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Improving Convergence of Nonlinear Stationary Models

Solution numéro: 103 Versions: Toutes les versions

Stationary (time-invariant) models with nonlinearities may converge very slowly. A nonlinearity can be introduced into the model either in the governing equation, or by making any of the material properties, loads, or ...

Error: Failed to Connect to Inventor LT

Solution numéro: 1167 Versions: Toutes les versions

When I try to synchronize the geometry between COMSOL and Inventor LT, the error message Failed to connect to Inventor. Please make sure Inventor is running. is displayed. Inventor LT does not support third party ...

Using Symmetries in COMSOL Multiphysics

Solution numéro: 1038 Versions: Toutes les versions

How do I take advantage of the symmetries in my COMSOL model? ##Using Symmetries to Reduce Model Size By using symmetries in a model you can reduce its size by one-half or more, making this an efficient tool for ...

Error: Failed to Connect to Solid Edge

Solution numéro: 1160 Se réfère à: LiveLink for Solid Edge Versions: Toutes les versions

When I try to synchronize the geometry between COMSOL and Solid Edge, the error message Failed to connect to Solid Edge. Please make sure Solid Edge is running. is displayed, and the COMSOL Multiphysics tab in Solid ...

Error: Failed to Connect to Inventor

Solution numéro: 1163 Versions: Toutes les versions

When I try to synchronize the geometry between COMSOL and Inventor, the error message Failed to connect to Inventor. Please make sure Inventor is running. is displayed. In addition, in the Inventor user interface, ...

Error: Failed to Connect to PTC Pro/ENGINEER

Solution numéro: 1162 Versions: 6.1, 6.0, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3a, 5.3, 5.2a, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0, 4.4, 4.3b, 4.3a, 4.3, 4.2a, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0a, 4.0

When I try to synchronize the geometry between COMSOL and PTC Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0, the error message Failed to connect to PTC Pro/ENGINEER. Please make sure PTC Pro/ENGINEER is running. is displayed. The ...

Parameter Selection Is Not Available in the PTC Pro/ENGINEER User Interface

Solution numéro: 1159 Se réfère à: LiveLink for PTC Pro/ENGINEER Versions: 6.1, 6.0, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3a, 5.3, 5.2a, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0, 4.4, 4.3b, 4.3a, 4.3, 4.2a, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0a, 4.0

The COMSOL menu and Parameter Selection are not available in the PTC Pro/ENGINEER (PTC Creo Elements/Pro) user interface, and parameter names are not synchronized to COMSOL. For parameter selection to work in PTC Pro ...

Parameter Selection is Not Available in the PTC Creo Parametric User Interface

Solution numéro: 1158 Se réfère à: LiveLink for PTC Creo Parametric Versions: 5.4, 5.3a, 5.3, 5.2a, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0

The COMSOL Multiphysics tab and the Parameter Selection button are not available in the PTC Creo Parametric user interface, and parameter names are not synchronized to COMSOL. For parameter selection to work in PTC ...

Error: Failed to compute elastoplastic strain variables

Solution numéro: 1150 Se réfère à: Geomechanics Module, Structural Mechanics Module Versions: Toutes les versions

Why do I get the error Failed to compute elastoplastic strain variables when using plasticity/concrete/soil plasticity? This happens because the elastoplastic element cannot evaluate a plastic step if the current ...

Error: "Error downloading file" during installation

Solution numéro: 1149 Versions: Toutes les versions

When installing COMSOL over the Internet, one of the following error(s) occur: Error downloading file. Connect timed out Error downloading file. Connection to download server failed Error Downloading file. Connection ...