Female manager overseeing a factory while holding a tablet with a simulation app on the screen.

Simulation Belongs Where Decisions Are Made

Bring it to the field, factory, and lab with your own simulation apps

Imagine a world where anyone can access the power of simulation without having to be an expert in building computational models. Colleagues in the field would be empowered to make decisions informed by simulation-assisted predictions, factory workers could confidently adjust manufacturing outputs on the fly, researchers could couple experimental data with simulation directly in the lab, and design teams could iterate on ideas faster.

Organizations that build and distribute their own apps are able to extend the benefits of simulation-based decision making to more collaborators within the R&D workflow and even to colleagues and customers far removed from it. What follows is effective collaboration and accelerated innovation.

An illustration of a room with a counter, table, waste basket overflowing with crumpled up pieces of paper, and balled up paper scattered around the room.

Trial-and-error is lengthy, costly, and resource-intensive when limited to experiments and prototyping, and in some cases there is only one chance to get it right.

An illustration of a tidy room with a computer running simulation software and a tall stack of paper next to it.

Simulation accelerates the iteration process and aids in making predictions, but requires specific expertise removed from many of the collaborators who need the results.

An illustrated triptych showing a factory line worker, an engineer climbing a ladder, and a scientist in a lab.

Custom apps bring the benefits of simulation to those who need it, when they need it, in a format that makes sense in their context.

Bring Apps...

Simulation Apps Provide Answers at the Right Place, Right Time

Modeling and simulation gives a preview of the real-world outcome before committing to a project plan or design, and coupled with experimental data, it creates a more comprehensive understanding of results. In that sense, building and distributing your own simulation apps is like giving your employees and colleagues direct access to a personal simulation expert in the exact moment when they need it, whether out in the field, on the factory floor, or in the lab.

Organizations that use simulation apps throughout the R&D process see productivity gains through faster iterations and improved collective knowledge retention. The apps can also be used to gather real-world data from the field, factory, or lab to help the design and simulation engineers validate their models back at the office. The simulation-driven R&D workflow is most successful when collaborators across teams, departments, organizations, and enterprises are able to access and contribute to the modeling results, and simulation apps make this possible.

An illustration of using modeling and simulation apps throughout an organization, where two simulation experts build models and the rest of the organization uses apps based on those models.
An illustration of using modeling and simulation apps throughout an organization, where two simulation experts build models and the rest of the organization uses apps based on those models.

Easily Build and Edit Your Own Apps with the Application Builder

The COMSOL Multiphysics® simulation platform includes the Model Builder, Application Builder, and Model Manager. Simulation engineers and modeling experts can use the Application Builder to build and maintain their own custom simulation apps based on models created with the Model Builder. The software provides all functionality needed to build and maintain your own simulation apps, as well as support for writing methods in the Java programming language. The Windows® operating system is required for building apps, but they can be run on macOS and the Linux® operating system as well.

It is up to you what to include in your apps. In addition to input fields and simulation results, you can add user documentation, checks for inputs within bounds, reports generated in different formats, automatic email notifications when a computation is complete, experimental data import, and more.

Built-In Tools

Use drag-and-drop functionality to quickly build your app's user interface to include input fields, buttons, sliders, knobs, and more. You can also customize your apps further by writing your own code.

Machine Learning

Train surrogate models using the Model Builder and integrate them into your simulation apps to provide app users with near-instantaneous results in response to their inputs.

Distribute Your Apps to Anyone You Want

An illustration of a woman using a compiled simulation app on a computer.

COMSOL Compiler™

Compile simulation apps into standalone executable files that anyone can run anywhere in the world, even without internet connection. App authors can choose to password protect, set expiration dates, and lock to a hostid. App users do not need a COMSOL license to run apps, but you decide whether to distribute them for free or charge a fee.

An illustration of a man accessing simulation apps from a library of apps.

COMSOL Server™

For full control over who has access to the apps and which versions, install your own COMSOL Server™ environment, which includes administrator tools. Apps can be run by managed users from a web browser on any computer with an internet or network connection. Requires a COMSOL license.

Application autonome compilée COMSOL Server™
Exécution sur cluster
Contrôle d'accès utilisateurs 1
Contrôle de version (jusqu'à la dernière version)
Exécution dans un navigateur
Exécution des applications sans licence payante COMSOL®
Exécution sur tous matériels
aucune connexion internet requise

avec connexion internet ou réseau
  1. L'auteur de l'application peut la protéger par mot de passe, définir une date d'expiration et la verrouiller à un hostid

Ready to learn more about building and distributing your own simulation apps?

We are here to answer your questions and help you get started. Fill out the contact form to hear from a sales representative serving your geographical area.