Problem Description
When I try to synchronize the geometry between COMSOL and Inventor, the error message
Failed to connect to Inventor. Please make sure Inventor is running.
is displayed. In addition, in the Inventor user interface, the COMSOL Multiphysics tab is missing.
If you have licensed LiveLink for Inventor, the installer creates an add-in to Inventor called LiveLink for COMSOL. This add-in should appear in the Add-In Manager dialog box, which you can access in the Inventor user interface by clicking Add-Ins from the Options section of the Tools tab.
The connection between COMSOL and Inventor will fail if the add-in cannot be loaded by Inventor. This can happen if, for example, the COMSOL installation is moved to a different location. To restore the connection you can reinstall LiveLink for Inventor, or repair the installation as described in knowledgebase 1221.
Recherche par catégorie
Messages d'erreur (65)Import (10)
Géométrie (14)
Physiques (10)
Solveur (36)
Installation (41)
Maillage (14)
Général (36)
Mécanique des structures (2)
Mécanique des fluides (2)
Post-traitement (4)
Export (1)
Dessin (1)
Informations produit (6)
Multiphysique (1)
Modèles utilisateurs (1)
Electromagnétisme (1)
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