Messages d'erreur
"Data access entity removed" occurs in my application
Solution numéro: 1247 Versions: Toutes les versionsWhen running my application, I get the error "Data access entity removed". If a node is removed, Data Access to the node becomes invalidated. In general this error occurs if nodes used in Data Access are explicitly ...
Out of Memory
Solution numéro: 1243 Versions: Toutes les versionsThe error "Out of Memory" occurs. Of the available memory (RAM and virtual memory), one section, the Java heap, is reserved for Java. The rest of the memory will be available for meshing and solving. If you receive the ...
Unexpected Error Thrown by the Method Editor
Solution numéro: 1242 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics, COMSOL Server Versions: Toutes les versionsI run COMSOL Multiphysics on Windows 7. When trying to access the Method Editor in the Application Builder, I get an unexpected error. When opening the log file, the top of the stack trace looks like this: 2018-01 ...
An error is returned when running mphlaunch and mphstart
Solution numéro: 1234 Versions: 5.3If the COMSOL 5.3 installation path contains a space, an error is returned when running the functions mphstart and mphlaunch at the MATLAB prompt. The error returned when running mphlaunch is: 'C:\Program' is not ...
Undefined Variable
Solution numéro: 1204 Versions: Toutes les versionsThe following error occurs: "Undefined variable." This error indicates that a variable used in some setting is undefined. It might be a spelling error, or a name of a variable that has not been defined or that is not ...
Circular Variable Dependency Detected
Solution numéro: 1215 Versions: Toutes les versionsOne of the following errors occur: "Circular variable dependency detected." or "There are cyclic dependencies." If you get one of these errors, a variable or parameter has been defined in terms of itself, possibly in a ...
Manually setup the geometric multigrid solver
Solution numéro: 1213 Versions: Toutes les versionsThe geometric multigrid solver accelerates the convergence of the iterative solver by solving the finite element problem on a series of meshes rather than a single one. The multigrid algorithm starts with the initial ...
Failed to respect edge element on geometry edge
Solution numéro: 1207 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics Versions: Toutes les versionsThe error "Failed to respect edge element on geometry edge" occurs. First, due to continual improvements in meshing, make sure to use the latest version of COMSOL Multiphysics: Product Download The mesh generator ...
Failed to respect boundary element on geometry face
Solution numéro: 1208 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics Versions: Toutes les versionsThe error "Failed to respect boundary element on geometry face" occurs. First, due to continual improvements in meshing, make sure to use the latest version of COMSOL Multiphysics: Product Download The mesh generator ...
Failed to Evaluate Variable Jacobian
Solution numéro: 1202 Versions: Toutes les versionsThe error "Failed to evaluate variable Jacobian" occurs An error occurred when evaluating the Jacobian matrix of the indicated variable. The domains in which COMSOL Multiphysics tried to evaluate the variable are ...
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