Centre d'apprentissage

Débuter avec COMSOL Multiphysics®

études / Les bases des études

Select, add, and run a study for your model. Duration: 19:18

Selecting, adding, and running a study for a model is necessary in order to compute it. When trying to determine which study is most appropriate for a specific modeling scenario, you should consider your analysis objectives. This could be determining the equilibrium state, time-dependent evolution under given external inputs, finding the natural modes of a free system, or calculating amplitudes and phases of a harmonically excited system; among other things. From there, you can choose the study type that enables you to solve your problem and thus answer your question.

In the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, there is a large selection of predefined study types that you can use to perform various analyses in a model. The preset studies vary depending on the physics interfaces you include in a simulation. Additionally, there are many specialized studies available for certain physics or combinations of physics, all of which contain equation and solver settings adapted to the physics definitions in the model. Custom studies are also available and enable you to manually implement the study settings. However, whenever possible, we recommend taking advantage of the COMSOL® software's preset studies for easier setup.

In this video, we provide a comprehensive overview of adding a study to your model, including how to choose and add studies, edit the study settings for multiple study types (using a thermal bracket tutorial model), and use the different parts of the COMSOL Desktop® that provide information as your model is computing. Additionally, we discuss the multiple ways you can organize a study that requires multiple steps and go over several of the sections in the Settings window that are common to most study types.