Conformément à notre Politique de qualité, COMSOL maintient une bibliothèque de centaines d'exemples de modèles documentés qui sont régulièrement testés avec la dernière version du logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics®, notamment des benchmarks de référence en provenance de l'ASME et de NAFEMS, ainsi que des problèmes TEAM.
Notre suite de tests de vérification et de validation (V&V) fournit des solutions précises qui sont comparées aux résultats analytiques et aux données de référence établies. Les modèles documentés ci-dessous font partie des bibliothèques d'applications intégrées du logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics®. Ils comprennent des valeurs de référence et des sources documentaires pour un large éventail de benchmarks, ainsi que des instructions étape par étape pour reproduire les résultats attendus dans votre propre environnement de travail. Vous pouvez utiliser ces modèles non seulement pour documenter vos efforts en matière d'assurance qualité logicielle (SQA) et de vérification de code numérique (NVC), mais aussi dans le cadre d'un programme de formation interne.
This is a model of acoustic absorption by a porous acoustic open cell foam. In porous materials the sound propagates in a network of small interconnected pores. Because the dimensions of the pores are small, losses occur due to thermal conduction and viscous friction. Acoustic foams are ... En savoir plus
Helmholtz resonators are used in exhaust systems, as they can attenuate a specific narrow frequency band. The presence of a flow in the system alters the acoustic properties of the resonator and the transmission loss of the subsystem. In this tutorial model, a Helmholtz resonator is ... En savoir plus
This is a benchmark model for an axisymmetric transient thermal analysis. The temperature on the boundaries changes from 0 degrees C to 1000 degrees C at the start of the simulation. The temperature at 190 s from the anlysis is compared with a NAFEMS benchmark solution. En savoir plus
At the electrode-electrolyte interface, there is a thin layer of space charge in a diffuse double layer. This may be of interest when modeling devices such as electrochemical capacitors and nanoelectrodes. This tutorial example shows how to couple the Nernst-Planck equations to the ... En savoir plus
This model example investigates the transport of reactants and water in a high temperature PEMFC. The model includes mass and momentum transport phenomena in the flow channels, gas diffusion layers (GDLs), and porous electrodes, as well as electrochemical currents in the GDLs, the porous ... En savoir plus
A strong permanent magnet is placed close to a clamped thin plate made of iron. The magnetic force causes the plate to be deflected. This example studies the plate's elastic deformation and stress. The deformation of the plate has an influence on the distribution of the magnetic field. ... En savoir plus
Emulsions consist of small liquid droplets immersed in an immiscible liquid and widely occur in the production of food, cosmetics, fine chemicals, and pharmaceutical products. The quality of the product is typically dependent on the size of the droplets. Simulating these processes can ... En savoir plus
A tonpilz transducer is used for relatively low frequency, high power sound emission. It is one of the popular transducer configurations for SONAR applications. The transducer consists of piezoceramic rings stacked between a head mass and a tail mass which are connected by a central ... En savoir plus
Chemical engineering students can model a nonideal tubular reactor, including radial and axial variations in temperature and composition, and investigate the impact of different operating conditions with this easy-to-use app. The process described by the Tubular Reactor with ... En savoir plus
This model couples the Navier Stokes equations and the heat transfer equations to examine density driven flow of free fluids. Here the fluid is in a square cavity with a heated wall. The buoyancy force is a Boussinesq term added to the Navier-Stokes equations. The equation is ... En savoir plus