Conformément à notre Politique de qualité, COMSOL maintient une bibliothèque de centaines d'exemples de modèles documentés qui sont régulièrement testés avec la dernière version du logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics®, notamment des benchmarks de référence en provenance de l'ASME et de NAFEMS, ainsi que des problèmes TEAM.
Notre suite de tests de vérification et de validation (V&V) fournit des solutions précises qui sont comparées aux résultats analytiques et aux données de référence établies. Les modèles documentés ci-dessous font partie des bibliothèques d'applications intégrées du logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics®. Ils comprennent des valeurs de référence et des sources documentaires pour un large éventail de benchmarks, ainsi que des instructions étape par étape pour reproduire les résultats attendus dans votre propre environnement de travail. Vous pouvez utiliser ces modèles non seulement pour documenter vos efforts en matière d'assurance qualité logicielle (SQA) et de vérification de code numérique (NVC), mais aussi dans le cadre d'un programme de formation interne.
In this set of eight tutorial models and associated documentation, you can investigate the resistive, capacitive, inductive, and thermal properties of a standard three-core lead-sheathed XLPE HVAC submarine cable with twisted magnetic armor (500 mm2, 220 kV). The series includes a 2D, 2D ... En savoir plus
The bracket models are used as an introduction to structural mechanics modeling with the Structural Mechanics Module. The following features are introduced: The fundamentals: static linear analysis Parametric study Including initial strain Modeling thermal expansion Adding a rigid ... En savoir plus
This model demonstrates the Lithium-Ion Battery interface for studying the discharge and charge of a lithium-ion battery for a given set of material properties. The geometry is in one dimension and the model is isothermal. Battery developers can use the model to investigate the influence ... En savoir plus
This example shows a 2D steady-state thermal analysis including convection to a prescribed external (ambient) temperature. It is given as a benchmarking example. The benchmark result for the target location is a temperature of 18.25 C. The COMSOL Multiphysics model, using a default mesh ... En savoir plus
In this set of verification models and associated documentation, the accuracy of electromagnetic force calculations is investigated. Using various techniques, the total force and torque on a rigid body is determined and compared to analytical models. Using fillets, advanced meshing and ... En savoir plus
A classic benchmark example in computational electromagnetics is to find the resonant frequency and Q-factor of a cavity with lossy walls. Here, models of rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical cavities are shown to be in agreement with analytic solutions. En savoir plus
In a polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer cell (PEMEC), the two electrode compartments are separated by a polymer membrane. Liquid water is fed to the anode side, forming oxygen gas on the anode, and hydrogen gas on the cathode side, respectively. The respective designs of the ... En savoir plus
This model simulates the flow around an inclined NACA 0012 airfoil at different angles of attack using the SST turbulence model. The results show good agreement with the experimental lift data of Ladson and the pressure data of Gregory and O’Reilly. En savoir plus
The tonpilz (sound mushroom) piezoelectric transducer is a transducer for relatively low frequency, high power sound emission. The transducer consists of piezoceramic rings stacked between massive ends and pre-stressed by a central bolt. The tail and head mass lower the resonance ... En savoir plus
This example simulates 3D unsteady laminar flow past a cylinder in a channel. The inflow velocity profile is time-varying. The lift and drag coefficients are computed, and results show good agreement with those published in the literature. En savoir plus