Conformément à notre Politique de qualité, COMSOL maintient une bibliothèque de centaines d'exemples de modèles documentés qui sont régulièrement testés avec la dernière version du logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics®, notamment des benchmarks de référence en provenance de l'ASME et de NAFEMS, ainsi que des problèmes TEAM.
Notre suite de tests de vérification et de validation (V&V) fournit des solutions précises qui sont comparées aux résultats analytiques et aux données de référence établies. Les modèles documentés ci-dessous font partie des bibliothèques d'applications intégrées du logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics®. Ils comprennent des valeurs de référence et des sources documentaires pour un large éventail de benchmarks, ainsi que des instructions étape par étape pour reproduire les résultats attendus dans votre propre environnement de travail. Vous pouvez utiliser ces modèles non seulement pour documenter vos efforts en matière d'assurance qualité logicielle (SQA) et de vérification de code numérique (NVC), mais aussi dans le cadre d'un programme de formation interne.
This model demonstrates the inflation of a rubber balloon with four different hyperelastic material models. The results are compared with the analytical solution for a thin-walled, spherical vessel. Controlling the inflation of hyperelastic balloons is important in clinical ... En savoir plus
The standard biventricular cardiac model is used to show how to set up fiber directions in a complex geometry. The fibers are then used to model the large deformation of the myocardium with the Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden anisotropic material model. The Aliev-Panfilov equations are included ... En savoir plus
In this example, triaxial and oedometer tests are simulated using the Modified Cam-Clay material model. A nonlinear stress-strain relation is recovered with the constant Poisson's ratio formulation. The hardening and softening behavior is recovered for normally consolidated and highly ... En savoir plus
This model example shows how to model nonlinear propagation of 1D finite-amplitude Acoustic waves in fluids using Acoustics Module of COMSOL Multiphysics. The model is based on the 2nd order Westervelt equation. The one dimensional nonlinear wave equation is solved in the time domain by ... En savoir plus
In this example, a benchmark problem in dynamic fracture of brittle materials is analyzed using the AT1 phase-field damage model. An instantaneous tensile load is applied to a planar tension specimen with a pre-existing crack. Initially, the crack propagates perpendicular to the loading ... En savoir plus
In this example, a settlement and heave analysis of a shallow foundation resting on an unsaturated soil stratum is conducted with the Modified Cam-Clay and Extended Barcelona Basic soil models. The effect of pore suction due to movements in the phreatic line and the resulting settlement ... En savoir plus
In this model, sound created by a vibrating piston radiates through a baffled pipe. The impedance is measured and then used in an impedance boundary condition that replaces the surrounding air domain. This technique can be employed to reduce solution time and memory usage for large ... En savoir plus
This example demonstrates the bending analysis of a simply supported composite laminate under sinusoidal distributed transverse load. The composite laminate is thick, with a thickness to side length ratio of 1/4. The laminate has three layers in a cross-ply layup. The model is solved ... En savoir plus
Most metals and alloys undergo viscoplastic deformation at high temperatures. In case of cyclic loading, a constitutive law with both isotropic and kinematic hardening is necessary to describe effects such as ratcheting, cyclic softening/hardening, and stress relaxation. The Lemaitre ... En savoir plus
This example demonstrates the wrinkling phenomenon in a thin sheet stretched uniaxially. The modified membrane theory, which incorporates the wrinkling model, ensures noncompressive principal stresses in the wrinkled region. The analytical results are compared to the numerical results. En savoir plus