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Matrix Has Zero on Diagonal

Solution numéro: 1179 Versions: Toutes les versions

A "Matrix has zero on diagonal" error occurs. When the equations have a structure such that the stiffness matrix (Jacobian matrix) has zeros on the diagonal, it is not possible to use the following linear system ...

Invalid Degree of Freedom Name

Solution numéro: 1180 Versions: Toutes les versions

The following error message appears: "Invalid degree of freedom name." COMSOL does not recognize the name of a degree of freedom. Check the names of dependent variables that you have entered so that they match the ...

Circular Function Dependency Detected

Solution numéro: 1181 Versions: Toutes les versions

The following error occurs: "Circular function dependency detected." If you get this error, functions have been defined in terms of other functions in a chain. Check the user-defined functions in the model and make ...

Wrong number of DOFs in initial value

Solution numéro: 1182 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics Versions: Toutes les versions

The error "Wrong number of DOFs in initial value" occurs. The current solution or the stored solution has for some reason the wrong number of degrees of freedom, sometimes due to a change of the implementation of ...

Wrong Number of DOFs in Linearization Point

Solution numéro: 1183 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics Versions: Toutes les versions

The error "Wrong number of DOFs in linearization point" occurs. The current solution or the stored solution has for some reason the wrong number of degrees of freedom, sometimes due to a change of the implementation of ...

Duplicate parameter/variable name

Solution numéro: 1184 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics Versions: Toutes les versions

The error "Duplicate parameter/variable name" occurs. A parameter name or a variable name has at least two different definitions. For instance, the same variable name appears two or more times for a dependent variable, ...

Failed to Evaluate Variable

Solution numéro: 1185 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics Versions: Toutes les versions

The error "Failed to evaluate variable" occurs. An error occurred when evaluating a variable. The domains in which COMSOL Multiphysics tried to evaluate the variable are indicated. Also, the error message shows the ...

Out of Memory During Assembly

Solution numéro: 1186 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics Versions: Toutes les versions

The error "Out of memory during assembly" occurs. This error message indicates that your computer does not have enough RAM memory to assemble the numerical model which you are working with. There are two distinct, ...

Undefined Function Call

Solution numéro: 1187 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics Versions: Toutes les versions

The error "Undefined function call" occurs. An expression in the model contains an undefined function name. Check that the function name is correct and that the function is in the COMSOL Multiphysics or MATLAB® path.

Internal evaluation error: unexpected NaN encountered

Solution numéro: 1188 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics Versions: Toutes les versions

The error "Internal evaluation error: unexpected NaN encountered" occurs. This error occurs when Not-a-Number (NaN) values appear unexpectedly. Such values can be the result of floating-point operations such as 0/0, ...