Manually Setting the Scaling of Variables
Solution numéro: 1240 Versions: Toutes les versionsThe default behavior of the software is to assume a different scaling for each set of variables in your model. These scale factors are by default automatically determined, but sometimes may need to be manually tuned. ...
Manually setup the geometric multigrid solver
Solution numéro: 1213 Versions: Toutes les versionsThe geometric multigrid solver accelerates the convergence of the iterative solver by solving the finite element problem on a series of meshes rather than a single one. The multigrid algorithm starts with the initial ...
Solving time dependent models with inconsistent initial values
Solution numéro: 1172 Versions: Toutes les versionsA common mistake when setting up transient models is to have initial conditions that are inconsistent with the loads and boundary conditions. This occurs most often when running transient fluid flow studies, but the ...
Improving Convergence of Nonlinear Stationary Models
Solution numéro: 103 Versions: Toutes les versionsStationary (time-invariant) models with nonlinearities may converge very slowly. A nonlinearity can be introduced into the model either in the governing equation, or by making any of the material properties, loads, or ...
Improving convergence in nonlinear time dependent models
Solution numéro: 1127 Versions: Toutes les versionsWhen I look at the Solver Log of a time dependent model, I see that the NLFail column has non-zero entries: Step TimeStepsize Res JacSolOrderTfailNLfailLinErrLinRes 0 0-out 23208e-14 3.5e-15 ...
Structural Contact Modeling Guidelines
Solution numéro: 1102 Se réfère à: MEMS Module, Structural Mechanics Module Versions: Toutes les versionsThis article contains guidance for solving models that include structural contact, and the procedures that should be followed to achieve a converged solution. Background Structural contact modeling is a highly non ...
COMSOL and Multithreading
Solution numéro: 1096 Versions: Toutes les versionsThis solution describes how COMSOL takes advantage of multicore computers. COMSOL supports two mutual modes of parallel operation: shared-memory parallelism and distributed-memory parallelism (cluster support). Shared ...
BDF, Generalized Alpha, and Runge-Kutta Methods
Solution numéro: 1062 Versions: Toutes les versionsWhat numerical methods are available when using a Time-Dependent Solver? What are their relative benefits and when should I use them? The Time-Dependent Solver offers three different time stepping methods: The ...
Error: "Out of memory"
Solution numéro: 1030 Versions: Toutes les versionsI get an error message, that contains the words Out of memory, for example: Out of memory during LU factorization. or Out of memory during assembly # Background Before resolving this issue, you should go through ...
Running COMSOL® in Parallel on Clusters
Solution numéro: 1001 Versions: Toutes les versionsThis solution describes how you enable distributed parallelization (cluster jobs) in COMSOL Multiphysics®. COMSOL supports two mutual modes of parallel operation: shared-memory parallel operations and distributed ...
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