What are Batch Licenses?
The license file for COMSOL Multiphysics® contains a list of license features that correspond to the different COMSOL products and software components. With a single Floating Network License, you will see that in the license file there are two lines with license features corresponding to each product: the regular license feature and one ending in BATCH. For example, for COMSOL Multiphysics® there are COMSOL
, and for the RF Module there are RF
The purpose of the batch licenses is to enable users to only use a single Floating Network License for simultaneously running batch jobs on a more powerful computer (or a cluster) and working with a model in the COMSOL Multiphysics® user interface (UI) on their local computer.
How Do I Use Batch Licenses?
Depending on how you launch your jobs on a computer or cluster, the approach to make sure that the batch licenses are used varies.
From the UI
If you have a Cluster Computing node or a Cluster Sweep node in your study, there is a check box called Use batch license. Selecting that check box will ensure that the batch licenses are used when the study is computed.
From the Command Line
Add the -usebatchlic
option to the COMSOL command.
comsol batch -usebatchlic -inputfile model.mph -outputfile out.mph -batchlog model.mph.log
In a Submission Script
Add the -usebatchlic
option to the COMSOL command.
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH -D "/srv/data/comsol61/bin"
#SBATCH -o "${HOME}/logs/slurm.out"
#SBATCH -e "${HOME}/logs/slurm.err"
# To use the batch license, add the -usebatchlic option to the COMSOL command:
comsol batch -usebatchlic -mpibootstrap slurm -inputfile model.mph -outputfile out.mph -batchlog model.mph.log
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