A local Model Manager database and the database of a Model Manager server installation use different underlying software components so it is, in the current version of the software, not possible to directly move a local database into a Model Manager server installation.
The following instruction describes how to get around this limitation and shows how to export the contents of your local Model Manager database to your file system and then import it to a Model Manager server database. The Model Manager Reference Manual covers import and export in greater detail in Chapter 2, but an outline is provided here:
- In the Model Manager workspace in COMSOL Multiphysics, with the local database active, select Export from the Home toolbar tab.
- Make sure the Include auxiliary files stored in the database and Export tags as subfolders check boxes are selected.
- Browse to an empty target folder on your file system and click OK to trigger the export.
The export will save the latest version of each model and file in the target folder, i.e. older versions of your models and files will not be exported. Tags in the database will be exported as subfolders on the file system, preserving the tag hierarchy set up in the database. If a model or file is tagged by multiple tags in the database, they will only be exported to one of the subfolders.
- Select the Model Manager server database in the Database section in the Home toolbar tab. Click Import.
- Make sure the Include auxiliary files found in imported models check box is selected and that Import subfolders as tags is selected in the Tags list.
- Click the Add Folder button and browse to the target folder selected in the step 3. The models and files to be imported will be shown in the table. Click OK to trigger the import.
As noted above, you will not be able to preserve the version history you have built up in the local database with this automatic approach.
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