Problem Description
When launching COMSOL Multiphysics on Linux, i receive an error message that says:
Network connect to THIS_HOST failed.
The license file indicates THIS_HOST, and the server is not
running on this host. If it's running on a different host,
THIS_HOST should be changed to the correct host.
Feature: SERIAL
License path: /home/username/Desktop/comsol56/multiphysics/license/license.dat:
FlexNet Licensing error:-95,378. System Error: 115 "Operation now in progress"
When this issue appears on a Linux computer using either a CPU or NSL license, it is an issue with localhost
- the default hostname in COMSOL license files - not being interpreted correctly as the hostname of your computer.
The workaround is to open the license file, located in the path specified in the error message, in a text editor and on the line
SERVER localhost 001122334455 1718
Change localhost to either the hostname or IP-address of your computer.
Then save the file, restart your license manager (or have the license manager reread the license file) and then start COMSOL Multiphysics again.
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