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Researchers at the University of Bristol modeled the acoustic camouflaging properties of moth wing scales to gain a better understand of the vibroacoustic phenomena at play. Their research could help develop acoustic camouflage techniques for use in other areas. En savoir plus
The EPFLoop team competed at the 2019 SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition with a Hyperloop pod that was half the weight and twice the speed of their 2018 design with the help of composite materials modeling. En savoir plus
Researchers at Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute for Energy and Climate Research, and Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics used multiphysics modeling to optimize the chemical vapor deposition process for a tungsten material used in a fusion reactor divertor. En savoir plus
Using structural modeling and optimization, Raychem RPG designed an autotensioning device and modular cantilever for catenary and contact lines used in overhead equipment (OHE) devices. The devices will be used to help revitalize the Indian railway network. En savoir plus
Les ingénieurs de l'Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) peuvent prévoir les performances de la fusion laser sur lit de poudre, un procédé de fabrication additive pour un injecteur utilisé dans les moteurs de fusée hybrides, grâce à une application de simulation. En savoir plus
Tectonic Audio Labs used electromagnetics, mechanical, and acoustics simulation to develop a state-of-the-art balanced mode radiator (BMR) speaker for use in a virtual reality (VR) headset for Valve Corporation. En savoir plus
Des chercheurs de l'Institut Flamand de Recherche Technologique (VITO/EnergyVille) et de l'Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) ont mis au point un modèle de batterie à flux semi-solide (SSFB) pour prévoir comment le débit affecte la décharge des particules et comment la tension de ... En savoir plus
Researchers at Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI) are optimizing circularly polarized antenna designs for recording live sporting events, like the prestigious cycling event Giro d'Italia in Italy, with minimal service interruptions. To do so, they turn to multiphysics simulation. En savoir plus
To design reverberation systems for measuring the performance of wireless devices and wideband antennas, engineers at Bluetest, a pioneer in wireless test solutions, use RF simulation. Simulation streamlined the team's development cycle of design, fabrication, testing, and validation. En savoir plus
Aluminum is extracted through the Hall–Héroult process, during which it is removed from bauxite using green anodes. A PhD student at Delft University of Technology, in collaboration with Aluchemie, is studying the design of the anode baking process using numerical simulation. En savoir plus