Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2024
During usage, storage, and transportation, electronic products often become affected by a few unwanted adverse effects of the surrounding environment that compromise their working performance, reliability, and device life. There is evidence that environmental effects cause 52% of such ... En savoir plus
The high-power microwave sources generate waves with the output mode of TM01 mode which has null at the boresight upon radiation. The output mode of the source is transformed to some other mode having a maximum field pattern at the boresight such as TE11 mode. In this work, a compact, ... En savoir plus
Chipmakers widely use the plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) technique for depositing thin dielectric or conducting films on wafers. The primary objective for a deposition process is to have a good flow and species uniformity on the wafer. Typically, a carefully designed ... En savoir plus
Acoustic emissions generated by active defects in structures, like bridges, aircraft, and pipelines, play a crucial role in detecting flaws in their structural integrity by non-destructive evaluation techniques. Commercially used acoustic emission (AE) sensors are made of piezoelectric ... En savoir plus
In this paper, we report FEM studies of the effect of unwanted interfering structural vibrations on the performance of an underwater Acoustic Vector Sensor (AVS) performed in the COMSOL Multiphysics simulation tool. An AVS is a compact sensor that measures a four-dimensional vector ... En savoir plus
This study presents simulation findings from a 4-way link box assembly, aimed at understanding temperature-related challenges. The primary objective was to assess maximum temperatures within the assembly, focusing on the Complete Assembly, UET, Copper Busbar, and Wedge Link Busbar. ... En savoir plus
Transformer bushings are power system equipment installed on transformers tank to connect overhead conductor & transformer leads. These Bushings at high voltages carry large currents leading to higher temperature & catastrophic failures. Whereas excess insulation further reduces ... En savoir plus
Multilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are an emerging class of dielectric materials with promising applications in modern nanophotonics. They exhibit a much higher refractive index (~ 4 - 4.5) than traditional semiconducting materials like Silicon (~ 3.5) in the near ... En savoir plus
Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) employs molten sodium as coolant due to its suitable neutronic and thermal properties. Measurement of coolant flow rate is a very important factor both from operational and safety aspects of a fast reactor. Good electrical conductivity of liquid ... En savoir plus
The present work explores the integration of guided mode resonance (GMR) structures and topological photonics, characterized by the presence of Jackiw-Rebbi (J-R) solution. The developed surface enhanced GMR structure may serve as a platform for refractive index sensing across various ... En savoir plus