Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2024
In this work, we show that dipolar magnetic coupling can be used to control the particle flow through microfluidic structures without changing the state of motion of the carrier liquid. Also no external magnetic gradient fields are employed; the total external magnetic force applied is ... En savoir plus
Since a couple of years, sintering becomes more and more important for power electronics. To press a semiconductor under high temperature in silver paste on a substrate promises benefits for durability. Tests with semiconductors of different thickness expose some problems. After the cool ... En savoir plus
Microreactors are important alternative to conventional reactors in chemistry, chemical, pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries due to their operation characteristics such as increased mass and heat transfer, uniform flow, safety, high throughput through array configurations, ... En savoir plus
Rotaxanes are a class of molecules recently developed in laboratory that have been heralded as possible molecular motors. The motor is constituted by a linear molecule (thread) and a ring-shaped molecule (macrocycle), which is free to move along the thread, switching between two, or ... En savoir plus
The current paper focuses on the creation of a consistent environment for the numerical prediction of the physical properties of polymer composite. A limitation factor for the successful simulation of composite processes is the correct estimation of the effective properties depending on ... En savoir plus
A ball is in contact with a plane, and a lubricant separates the two surfaces to decrease friction during their relative motion. To avoid wear, the lubricant film thickness should be higher than the surface roughness. The goal of this paper is to show how it is possible to solve ... En savoir plus
In this work, an electrostatic diaphragm micropump is investigated by means of COMSOL Multiphysics®. A fluid-dynamic model is adopted to evaluate the fluid flow characteristics inside the pumping chamber, in static conditions. In parallel, electromechanical quasi-static simulations ... En savoir plus
In this paper, after a brief presentation of our company, we will detail our technology and the importance of the simulation step. In the same time, we will describe different levels of FEA (Finite Element Analysis) we have followed and we will conclude on the best balance, for our ... En savoir plus
In this work we tackle a more theoretical aspect of micro-injection molding, to better understand physics during the process, through numerical simulations of cavity filling. We developed a two phase flow approach by the use of COMSOL Multiphysics®. In a first step, a Level Set model is ... En savoir plus
There is a requirement for an RF (Radiofrequency) industrial dryer that will be capable of dehydrating foodstuff to the correct level after the product has been fried. RF drying should actively target moisture, due to waters high dielectric properties. An industrial dryer can be ... En savoir plus