Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2024
Concerning the reduction of fossil-energy use from industrial processes, power generation and transportation, concentrated solar power from dish reflectors is well suited for driving highly endothermic reactions that valorize CO2 and/or light hydrocarbons. In this study, a directly ... En savoir plus
While electric double layers play a crucial role in many biophysical processes involving charged molecular species (such as proteins and DNA), they are often a limiting factor in technological applications where charged conductors are brought in contact with electrolyte solutions. ... En savoir plus
Hydrogen has great potential to be the fuel of the future through utilization in fuel cells, but it is rarely found naturally and must be produced in energy-intensive processes. Steam reforming, the process of heating natural gas and steam in the presence of a catalyst to drive a ... En savoir plus
Vacuum cooling is a common unit operation in the leafy greens industry and is considered as a very efficient approach to extend the shelf-life of fresh produce. However, during this popular process, bacteria can internalize into the produce. This emphasizes the need for better ... En savoir plus
To be competitive in today’s workforce, students in STEM undergraduate programs are expected to develop problem-solving skills. Often, this occurs through guidance and practice in the form of assignments, labs, experiential learning opportunities, teamwork, and other means. The concept ... En savoir plus
At Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the COMSOL Multiphysics software has become a reliable and important resource to estimate and assess thermal safety margins for several nuclear applications. This poster presentation will highlight some of the ongoing activities in the following ... En savoir plus
The IR CO2 laser powered chemical conversions in the gas phase are intriguing and the researchers’ attention was focused on this transformation a while ago. The method, known as Infrared Laser Powered Homogeneous Pyrolysis, or IR LPHP opened reaction pathways not reached by conventional ... En savoir plus
Viscoelastic flow of polymer based energetic materials exiting an extrusion die is a particularly challenging phenomenon to describe by modelling and simulation due to non-Newtonian effects in the die and significant swelling at the exit. This project aims to develop a simulation model ... En savoir plus
Optimization of mixing in microfluidic devices is a popular application of computational fluid dynamics software packages, such as COMSOL Multiphysics, with an increasing number of studies being published on the topic. On one hand, the laminar nature of the flow and lack of turbulence in ... En savoir plus
Atomic layer deposition(ALD) is one proven method to deposit ultra-thin films. ALD is advantageous for its atomic-level thickness control and conformity; leading to high quality films. Slow deposition rates for conventional ALD contribute to the impracticality of utilization of this ... En savoir plus