Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2024
This computational implementation presents a new strategy of coupling two 3D models to satisfy the requirements of the comprehensive model of a unitary Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell, including its internal geometries and constitutive materials, as well as distinct physical and ... En savoir plus
The major steps in the beer making process are simple and with some skill, rather good brew can be produced using a common picnic cooler. First, grain (usually barley) is wetted and allowed to partially germinate before dried in a kiln (malting) Next, during mashing in a mash tun ... En savoir plus
iCP (Nardi et al, 2014) is a software that couples two standalone simulation programs: COMSOL Multiphysics® and PHREEQC (Parkhurst & Appelo, 2013). The tool is ideal for applying multiphysics and geochemistry in Earth Sciences. Flexibility of the two coupled codes result in an ... En savoir plus
Corrugated board is produced on a machine where the corrugated medium is glued between two flat paper surfaces, the liners. The board is cut into sheets and stored in a stack until suitable moisture content has been reached. The sheets are then cut and creased into blanks for the ... En savoir plus
The primary aim of using jet as mixer, like in case of other mixing devices, is to increase the heat and mass transfer between the phases. Beside the injection position the geometry of the jet mixer and the injection nozzle has a major effect on the injection. In our study COMSOL ... En savoir plus
Many industrial, especially heterogeneously catalysed, processes are characterised by a strong interaction between the reaction kinetics and transport phenomena. Because experiments in laboratory scale can be very time- and cost-intensive, Temkin andKul’kova developed a new reactor ... En savoir plus
In this paper describes an original method for indirect measurement of the vapor pressure and temperature in the keyhole in electron beam welding. This method is based on the determination of the concentration of chemical elements in the vapor above the welding zone. Taking into account ... En savoir plus
The Life+ GreenWoolF project is aimed at demonstrating that green hydrolysis with superheated water is an effective way to convert wool wastes into organic nitrogen fertilizers. The core of the process is represented by the reaction tank (Figure 1) in which the hydrolyses reaction takes ... En savoir plus
The annular reactor is a very useful design to carry many chemical reactions. In this study, COMSOL Multiphysics® software was used to study the isothermal mass transfer from the inner side of the outer tube of the annular reactor in the range of 200 En savoir plus
NASA's Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) program is pioneering new approaches for rapidly developing prototype systems, demonstrating key capabilities, and validating operational concepts for future human missions beyond Earth orbit" [1]. Under the new Atmosphere Revitalization Recovery ... En savoir plus