Thermal Analysis of DED process and COMSOL Multiphysics® feasibility in Mechanical Modeling of AM process
COMSOL Multiphysics® is being utilised to develop Thermal Model for Directed Energy Deposition (DED) process with an objective to analyse the heat transfer phenomenon during and after the process. With the rapid growth of industrial acceptance of DED process, different research activities have been carried out all over the world in the past few years for in-depth process knowledge. Numerical Simulation can be really helpful in understanding the process by modeling and then analysing different physical phenomenon that are occurring in the DED process. Hence, a Thermal Model coupled with an Efficient Numerical Material Addition Model is developed in COMSOL Multiphysics®. Numerical Heat Source along with Material Addition Model is required to represent input laser energy and incoming powder respectively in DED process. A 3-D parametrised volumetric heat source is used to represent input laser energy along with programmed trajectory and Material Activation is used to represent material addition. Heat Transfer in Solids is used to implement Numerical Heat Source and perform the heat transfer analysis and COMSOL Multiphysics® Structural Mechanics Module is used to represent Material Addition. Numerical Results are compared with a good accuracy with performed experiment results and can be helpful in optimising the experiment process parameters. Also, a feasibility study is done to assess the capabilities and functionalities of COMSOL Multiphysics® to perform the Mechanical Modeling for Additive Manufacturing (AM) process. Different Material Hardening Laws have been studied such as Elasto-Plastic Laws and Elasto-Visco-Plastic Laws with temperature dependent Material Properties are tested and then compared with the benchmark results available in the literature for the Mechanical Modeling. Numerical Results obtained with different Material hardening laws and material properties is compared with the available benchmark test results with good accuracy and can be helpful in identifying accurate material hardening law and material properties.

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