Simulation Studies on the Design of a Helmholtz Resonator type Underwater Acoustic Sensor
A Helmholtz resonator type acoustic sensor has been designed using analytical method and finite element modeling software, COMSOL Multiphysics®. The acoustic sensor is an aluminium double frustum, hour glass, shaped with the resonator at the bottom and an acoustic horn above to amplify the incoming acoustic signal. The horn provides a broad amplification of the incoming acoustic signal while the resonator provides narrow band amplification. The Helmholtz resonator is designed for a resonant frequency of 10 kHz operation underwater based on the geometrical parameters of the base, neck diameter and height of the structure. The design parameters were optimized by the analytical and FEM modeling studies. This structure has been modeled using COMSOL Multiphysics®, with the suitable boundary conditions for underwater applications. The resonance frequency and the acoustic pressure distribution at the resonance of resonator cavity were studied for the influence of each geometrical parameter.

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