Simulating Forced Convection in a Bingham Plastic Fluid
Publié en 2016
In this work, the heat transfer characteristics of two heated cylinders of square cross-section immersed in a streaming Bingham plastic medium have been studied. The governing differential equations (continuity, momentum and thermal energy) have been solved numerically over wide range of conditions as: plastic Reynolds number, 0.1 ≤ Re ≤ 40, Prandtl number, 1 ≤ Pr ≤ 100, Bingham number, 0 ≤ Bn ≤ 10. Over this range of conditions, the flow is expected to be symmetric and steady. The detailed flow and temperature fields in the vicinity of the cylindrical surfaces are examined in terms of streamline and isotherm profiles respectively. The Nusselt number shows a positive dependence on the both Reynolds and Prandtl numbers.

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