Modelling of Selected Electromechanical Phenomena in the DC Machine
The paper presents the results of the experiment consisting in determination of the influence of the magnetic field on deformations of the stator and the rotor of the DC motor. The numerical model of the motor for the frameless DC machine of the G series has been elaborated. Real material properties and the phenomenon of the magnetic circuit saturation have been taken into consideration. The small-power DC motor of the G series has been modified by the specific means to make possible measurements of stresses and deformations of the machine stator. The results of numerical calculations of the stator deformations have been compared with the results of measurements. On this basis, the “calibration” of the numerical model to make possible the calculations of the rotor deformations was realized. The computational experiment using COMSOL has enabled the determination of the displacements values of various parts of the rotor.

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