Modeling Of A Strongly Coupled Thermal, Hydraulic And Chemical Problem: Drying And Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Of Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA)-Wood Waste Particles In A Moving Bed Reactor
Publié en 2010
Low temperature thermal carbonisation might be the ultimate solution to the growing disposal problem of CopperChromeArsenic-treated waste wood. This energy and material recuperating technology is currently in the process of upscaling to an industrial level. In the present study, a numerical model is developed in COMSOL Multiphysics that allows to investigate the temperature profiles, gas velocity, char yield and emissions of tars, combustible gases and arsenic during the thermal carbonization of CCA-wood in a moving bed reactor. First results are presented for nominal conditions. This model allows to investigate the influence of design parameters on product distribution, metal release and temperature profiles.

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