3D Thermal-Diffusion Analysis on a Moisture Loaded Epoxy Sample
COMSOL Multiphysics was used to simulate an experiment in which the hygroscopic swelling in an epoxy material was measured along a temperature ramp. A simultaneous solution was sought for temperature and moisture concentration distribution in a moisture loaded epoxy sample. Initially the multiphysics problem was broken down into two separate cases - transient heat transfer analysis and transient diffusion analysis. The diffusion analysis required use of a stepped boundary condition on the surface of the part. Results from the transient heat transfer analysis were in good agreement with the experimental solution. However, a physically unrealistic result (local concentrations above initial value with drying of the epoxy material) was found in the solution for transient diffusion analysis. Several options that aid convergence were run on the model in an attempt to resolve the problem. Results from the individual cases as well as from the multiphysics model with both cases considered together are presented in this paper.

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