Industries Manufacturières

Modélisation et simulation dans toute l'industrie   Industries Manufacturières

Materials, processes, and equipment used in the manufacturing industry can be challenging or resource intensive to test physically. This is why industry leaders turn to multiphysics modeling and simulation for development, testing, and verification. Simulation is also useful for proposing new and optimizing existing designs and processes, and accelerating the R&D process.

Browse content related to additive manufacturing, material science, and process engineering to see how the COMSOL Multiphysics® software is used in the manufacturing industry.

Présentation Utilisateur
Benefit of Vapor Consideration for LPBF Additive Manufacturing Process Simulation
Introduction to Modeling Electrodeposition
Powder Compaction of a Rotational Flanged Component
Liquid–Liquid Extraction Process
ITRI Makes Predictions in Additive Manufacturing with Simulation Apps
Présentation Utilisateur
Structural Analysis on 3D Printed Objects Made from Experimentally Characterized Materials
Keynote: Multiphysics Modeling of Carbon-Based Products
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Design and Analysis of Sustainable Packing Case Pallets for Machine Tools
Présentation Utilisateur
In-Process Thermal Analysis for Free-Form FFF Printing
Acid–Base Equilibria and Copper Speciation in Ammonia Solution
Keynote: Predicting Corrosion with Machine Learning and Simulation
Article de Blog
Modeling the Permeability of Composite Reinforcement Materials
Article de Blog
Comparing Optimization Methods for a Heat Sink Design for 3D Printing
Resin Transfer Molding of a Wind Turbine Blade
Présentation Utilisateur
Study of Impact of Terrain Structure on the Dispersion of Accidentally Released Air Pollutants
Article de Blog
Predicting the Effects of Induction Heating with Simulation
Présentation Utilisateur
Heating of a Beam Shaping Spatial Light Modulator in Area Printing® Metal 3D Printing
Article de Blog
How to Activate Material in Simulations of Manufacturing Processes
Article de Blog
Modeling a Tubular Reactor for Optimized Polymer Manufacturing
Présentation Utilisateur
Predicting Fatigue Life of Cold-Sprayed Multi-Materials and Functionally Graded Materials
Article de Blog
Paper Mechanics and the Benefits of Modeling Paperboard Formation
Article de Blog
Optimizing Thermal Processes in Carbon Manufacturing with Simulation
Présentation Utilisateur
Finite Element Analysis of Friction Stir Welding of Al Alloy and Inconel 718
Curing in Automotive Rubber
Présentation Utilisateur
Elastohydrodynamics of Roll-to-Plate Nanoimprinting on Non-Flat Substrates
Présentation Utilisateur
Simulation of Through Air Drying in Tissue Paper in a Papermaking Process
Partially Baffled Turbulent Mixer with a Three-Bladed Impeller
Présentation Utilisateur
Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing
Keeping Dendrites at Bay with Numerical Simulation
Article de Blog
The Elephants of Materials Science: SMAs Never Forget Their Shape
Lightweighting with Aluminum: Corrosion Apps Guide Leading Design at the National Research Council Canada
Lemaitre–Chaboche Viscoplastic Model
Improving Efficiency in Iron Ore Sintering
How Fast Do Elevated Temperatures Reach the Li-Ion Battery Cell Interior?
Article de Blog
Pulsed Electrochemical Machining: A Multiphysics Model
Slot-Die Coating with Channel Defect
Rubber Injection Molding
Optimizing Screen Protection During the Manufacturing Process
MTC Develops Simulation App to Revolutionize Design for Additively Manufactured Parts
Continuous Mixer
Présentation Utilisateur
Glass Transition of ABS in 3D Printing
Simulating Laser–Material Interactions
Welding of a Titanium Plate
Quenching of a Steel Billet
Article de Blog
Designing the Sound Absorption of Microlattice Structures
Mixer Simulation App
Article de Blog
Advancing Additive Manufacturing with Sequential Simulations
Virtual Material Design in 3D Printing Makes Headway with Multiscale Modeling
Optimizing 3D Printing Techniques with Simulation Apps
Radiative Cooling of a Glass Plate
Continuous Casting: Optimizing Both Machine and Process with Simulation
Optimized Induction Heating Techniques Improve Manufacturing Processes
Article de Blog
Modeling Pitting Corrosion in COMSOL Multiphysics®
Developing Lighter, Easier to Manufacture, and Safer to Maneuver Roof Runners
Optimized Heating Process with Uniform Coating
Inkjet Nozzle
Article de Blog
Modeling the Behavior of an Oldroyd-B Polymer
Laminar Static Mixer
Simulation of Magnetic Flux Leakage Inspection
A Smooth Optical Surface in Minutes
Article de Blog
Optimizing the Electroplating Process for Multiple Components
Optimizing Laminar Flow Static Mixers at Nordson EFD
Article de Blog
Simulating the Carburization and Quenching of a Steel Gear
Article de Blog
How to Predict the Fatigue Life of Welds

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Éclairage sur le produit

It all starts with COMSOL Multiphysics®, the platform product for creating physics-based models and simulation apps. From there, you can add as many specialized modules and interfacing products as needed — they all connect seamlessly via the platform for a consistent modeling workflow regardless of what you are modeling.

Here are some suggested products to add to COMSOL Multiphysics® for modeling manufacturing processes:

Voir tous les produits 

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