Using the 3D Geometry Tools in COMSOL Multiphysics®

Durée: 26:10

One of the first steps to building a model is creating the geometry. To help you build 3D geometries, COMSOL Multiphysics® contains a number of geometry tools, operations, and other functionality. This includes a number of built-in objects for commonly used shapes as well as parameters that enable you to define and position objects. You can also create complicated geometries using the Boolean, transformation, and partitioning geometric operations.

We demonstrate how to use these tools to help you build your own 3D geometries in this video. Please feel free to follow along with us on your own computer as we add cylinders and blocks; use union and difference Boolean operations; and perform move, array, and mirror transformation operations. We also share best practices and tips that you can use when building your own geometry.

To learn more about building geometries in COMSOL Multiphysics®, read this blog post on how to model them in your simulation application.