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Importing Topological Data, Meshes, and Images

COMSOL Multiphysics® has functionality and capabilities for importing topological data, meshes, and images to your model. Below, in subsequent sections, you will find information on how to do so. We also direct you to resources that provide further details and examples on how to perform these tasks.

Importing Meshes

Both image processing software programs Mimics and ScanIP can export volumetric meshes on COMSOL's own mesh format created from 3D scans, which can be directly imported into a Mesh sequence. An alternative is to import NASTRAN® files. NASTRAN® is a mesh format supported by many software programs. With import of this format, there is support for both 2D and 3D meshes, as well as for import of materials and selections based on materials. The import is typically done in a Mesh sequence. For more information about the COMSOL Multiphysics® mesh format, you can go to the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual > COMSOL Modeling Environment > The COMSOL Desktop > About the COMSOL Model File Formats section in the COMSOL Documentation. If you have a session of the software open, you can search for and open this documentation section using the Help window.

A screenshot of the Help window in COMSOL Multiphysics, with the COMSOL Desktop section expanded and the About the COMSOL Model File Formats section highlighted. A screenshot of the Help window in COMSOL Multiphysics, with the COMSOL Desktop section expanded and the About the COMSOL Model File Formats section highlighted.

The Help window, with navigation to the About the COMSOL Model File Formats section displayed.

Because the images are converted directly into a mesh and not into a geometry object, as in the methods discussed below, it is advisable for you to fine tune the geometry/mesh within the partnering software before importing it into COMSOL Multiphysics®. Other aspects of mesh import and creating geometries from imported meshes are discussed in the following resources:

These resources also cover NASTRAN®, STL, PLY, and 3MF import.

Importing Topological Data

Topological data, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data, Digital Elevation Models (DEM) data, and images can be imported to the COMSOL® software through the use of Interpolation, Elevation, and/or Image functions in addition to the Parametric Surface geometry operation. A walkthrough of this process, wherein we create an irregularly shaped geometry based on elevation data, is covered in this blog post.

A screenshot of the Definitions ribbon tab, with the More Functions button selected to show the different options for data import. A screenshot of the Definitions ribbon tab, with the More Functions button selected to show the different options for data import.

The Interpolation, Elevation (DEM), and Image functions, available under the Definitions ribbon tab.

Importing Images

You can import images to COMSOL Multiphysics® through a variety of ways to generate an image-based geometry. One option is using an Interpolation function. Interpolating material data, for example, based on information in images, is discussed here.

You can also utilize the Image to Curve add-in, which enables you to import an image that is used to create the modeling domain for your analysis. The procedure is described in detail in this blog post.

A screenshot of the Developer ribbon tab with the Add-ins button selected and the Image to Curve and Planar Cut add-ins shown in a drop-down menu. A screenshot of the Developer ribbon tab with the Add-ins button selected and the Image to Curve and Planar Cut add-ins shown in a drop-down menu.

The Image to Curve feature, available through the Add-ins button (after being enabled in the Add-in Libraries window).

Additional blog posts that discuss other scenarios for modeling irregular shapes and the functionality and strategies employed can be found here.

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