
Address & Contact Information
Dr. Alex Bond
633/635 Birchwood Boulevard
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1925 885951
Email: AlexBond@quintessa.org
Head Office:
Richard Little
Quintessa Ltd.
First Floor, West Wing
Videcom House
Newtown Road
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1491 630042
Email: RichardLittle@quintessa.org
Quintessa Ltd. is an employee-owned UK company focused on delivering innovative scientific, mathematical, and strategic consultancy; scientific software development; and research to public and private organizations. We are proud to work for some of the world’s leading scientific organizations and we strive to understand and address their needs by building trusted partnerships.
Our collaborations let us give our clients the best possible solutions. To date, we have carried out more than 600 projects for over 50 clients in 20 countries.
Areas of Expertise
Our staff has a wide range of scientific experience encompassing the mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, and Earth sciences. We are well versed in applying our expertise to novel projects as well as the more established areas of radioactive waste management, contaminated land and groundwater, and subsurface carbon dioxide storage. Typical projects include:
- Hydrogeological analysis
- Conceptual analysis
- Fate and transport simulation
- Coupled variable density flow
- Vapor transport
- Non-Darcy behavior
- Thermal analysis
- Radiation
- Nonlinear effects
- Mechanical analysis
- Coupled poromechanics
- Creep
- Plasticity
- Chemical analysis
- Reactive and nonreactive transport in fractures and porous media, often in direct support of radioactive waste disposal safety cases
- Decision support
- Evidence support logic (ESL)
- Portfolio analysis
- Best available techniques (BAT) assessments
- Statistical and mathematical analysis
- Sophisticated data analysis
- Bespoke predictive models
- Geographic information systems (GIS)