Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2024
Gaseous exhaust of different industries contains dust particles of different chemical precipitates that are harmful for the environment. Electrostatic Precipitators are very often used in industries like power plant to filter their gaseous exhaust and to prevent the atmosphere to being ... En savoir plus
The application of super-alloys has grown up in numbers in the industries like aerospace, automotive, nuclear, thermal power plant & medical implants. The initial cost of prototyping and the selection of suitable manufacturing methods & test fixtures made by electrochemical ... En savoir plus
The use of numerical techniques in PEM fuel cell sensoring represents an advantage of project engineering, reducing the costs and accelerating the manufacturing of prototypes. In this work some numerical responses are shown, relating to numerical sensoring of water and oxygen mole ... En savoir plus
Localized calcium events in the endothelial cells (EC) can modulate smooth muscle cell (SMC) calcium (Ca2+) and membrane potential dynamics through release of endothelium derived hyperpolarizing and relaxing factors. Ca2+ levels in the smooth muscle cell (SMC) determine its contractile ... En savoir plus
This paper presents a simulation approach to develop a model for understanding the mixing phenomenon in a stirred vessel. The mixing in the vessel is important for effective chemical reaction, heat transfer, mass transfer and phase homogeneity. In some cases, it is very difficult to ... En savoir plus
Limited drug efficacy, undesirable temporal changes in drug concentration and patient non-compliance due to frequent dosing schedule have given impetus to design of controlled drug release systems [1]. Biodegradable polymers due to their favorable and tunable properties and ... En savoir plus
Stirred tanks are widely used in the pharmaceuticals, chemical and paint industries for variety of operations. The fractal impeller is an impeller having a novel design, developed by CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India. The power number of fractal impeller is relatively lower ... En savoir plus
Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is characterized by atherosclerotic blockages of the arteries supplying the lower extremities, which cause a progressive accumulation of ischemic injury to the skeletal muscles of the lower limbs. Despite revascularization treatment ... En savoir plus
Polymeric hydrogel is a promising class of drug delivery systems with the controlled release behavior in the body. In-situ forming hydrogels can be injected into the body as a fluid which forms a gel within the body tissue and improve the efficacy of the drugs. Various polymers have been ... En savoir plus
Targeted drug delivery systems have been wildly studied in cancer therapy due to the toxicity of most of chemotherapeutic drugs. Nanoparticles can be attached to the small molecules of the drugs and serve as drug carriers to deliver the drug molecules into the area of interest. In this ... En savoir plus