Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2024
Exhaust noise must meet legislation targets, customer expectations and cost reduction which call for design optimization of the exhaust systems in the design phase. One solution is to use 3 dimensional linear pressure acoustics and calculate the transfer matrix of the muffler. The ... En savoir plus
An inverse finite element method for noise source identification in an aircraft cabin is presented. If all sound sources are located on the boundary of the cabin, the equation system resulting from a matching FE model can be re-sorted in such a way that computation of the unknown ... En savoir plus
Steam Reforming of Ethanol using a Catalytic Wall Reactor (CWR) was successfully studied using COMSOL Multiphysics. A mathematical model was used to describe the reactor performance in terms of the main variables and dimensionless groups. Simulations showed that at specified conditions ... En savoir plus
The electromagnetic pumping (EMP) of electrically-conducting fluid is of growing interest for many industrial applications requiring precise flow control, enabling stopping or reversing flow direction without any moving parts or mechanical devices. Presented in this work are the results ... En savoir plus
Continuous dynamic models, e.g. COMSOL based simulations, play – besides statistical or iterative methods – a mayor role in theoretical ecology; in forecasting and management, but also in systems analysis. Ecological issues generally comprise highly interacting agents and/or unknown side ... En savoir plus
Electrochemical Machining with a closed electrolytic free jet is a special procedure to generate complex micro structures by help of anodic dissolution. The work piece shape is fabricated by supplying an electrolytic current through an electrolyte jet ejected from a small nozzle. In ... En savoir plus
This paper examines a sound propagation without airflow through circular ducts with spiral element inside. Models are numerically computed in three-dimensions. The spiral element in the duct is a newly analyzed acoustical element, geometrically similar to the well-known Archimedes screw. ... En savoir plus
A model of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) stack with internal reforming is presented. It describes the concentrations in the gas phase, the temperatures and the current densities in this highly integrated system. The differential equations, boundary conditions and the coupling ... En savoir plus
Water adsorption in highly porous materials can be used in heat transformation processes for the efficient use of energy in heat and cold production. One technology for such a thermal heat transformation is the use of water adsorption in highly porous adsorbents like zeolite. To ... En savoir plus
Hunting Lodge St. Hubertus is one of the most prominent Dutch buildings from the early twentieth century. An extensive study of wind and wind-driven rain (WDR) was conducted to provide insight into the moisture load of the building facade, using measurements and CFD simulations. COMSOL ... En savoir plus