Fluid Flow Analysis For Cross-Flow Around Four Cylinders Arranged In A Square Configuration
Cross-flow around a group of cylinders is a very common phenomenon in engineering, such as flow around heat exchanger tube arrays. The cross-flow-induced vibration might cause a reduction of equipment life and might even lead to the occurrence of severe accidents. Hence, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of flow-induced vibration and the associated fluid–structure interaction in order to improve the design of such equipment. The flow of fluid behind a blunt body is difficult to compute due to the unsteady flows. The wake behind such a body consists of unordered eddies of all sizes that create large drag on the body. Nevertheless, the investigations of the flow past more than two cylinders are still relatively scarce because of the numerous parameters such as geometric parameters related to cylinder arrangement, Reynolds number (Re), and boundary conditions that could affect the flow patterns. In the present paper, the flow around four cylinders in an in-line square configuration is simulated using a finite-element method based multiphysics code, COMSOL.

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