La Bibliothèque d'Applications présente des modèles construits avec COMSOL Multiphysics pour la simulation d'une grande variété d'applications, dans les domaines de l'électromagnétisme, de la mécanique des solides, de la mécanique des fluides et de la chimie. Vous pouvez télécharger ces modèles résolus avec leur documentation détaillée, comprenant les instructions de construction pas-à-pas, et vous en servir comme point de départ de votre travail de simulation. Utilisez l'outil de recherche rapide pour trouver les modèles et applications correspondant à votre domaine d'intérêt. Notez que de nombreux exemples présentés ici sont également accessibles via la Bibliothèques d'Applications intégrée au logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics® et disponible à partir du menu Fichier.
In this example, a rotor supported on two hydrodynamic bearings is analyzed. An eccentric disk located between the two bearings causes the rotor to whirl. One of the bearings is misaligned with the axis of the rotor. The Beam Rotor with Hydrodynamic Bearing interface in the ... En savoir plus
In this second half of a two-part example, a 3D model of a trench-gate IGBT is built by extruding the 2D model from the first half. Unlike the 2D model, now it is possible to arrange the alternating n+ and p+ emitters along the direction of extrusion as in the real device. This more ... En savoir plus
This example illustrates the modeling of vibration and noise in a 5-speed synchromesh gearbox of a manual transmission vehicle. A transient multibody analysis is performed to compute the gearbox vibration for the specified engine speed and external load. The normal acceleration of the ... En savoir plus
RFIDs are used in a multitude of applications such as tracking or identifying consumer products and their packaging. An RFID system consists of two main parts: A tag or transponder with a printed circuit-board (PCB) antenna A reader unit with a larger RF antennaThe reader antenna ... En savoir plus
This model shows how you can implement a user defined hyperelastic material, using the strain density energy function. The model used is a general Mooney–Rivlin hyperelastic material model defined by a polynomial. In this example, you will see two material models based on the defined ... En savoir plus
This tutorial shows how to evaluate the harmonic response of a structure with a moderately nonlinear behavior. A nonlinear problem can only be solved using time-domain analysis. A way to speed up the computation is to use a linearized frequency response analysis to provide good initial ... En savoir plus
In this model, two concave mirrors are placed at a distance and a ray is released from a point inside the cavity. Then the ray is traced for a predefined time period that is sufficiently long. Ray tracing continues until the predefined computation time has passed if the laser cavity is ... En savoir plus
The hydrolysis of propylene oxide into propylene glycol is an important chemical process with 400,000 metric tons produced worldwide each year. Propylene glycol finds wide application as a moisturizer in foods, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. In this example, the startup phase of a ... En savoir plus
It is possible to engineer the structure of materials such that both the permittivity and permeability are negative. Such materials are realized by engineering a periodic structure with features comparable in scale to the wavelength. It is possible to model both the individual unit cells ... En savoir plus
This example demonstrates the use of the Solid-Beam Connection multiphysics coupling to create transitions between the Solid Mechanics and Beam interfaces. Two different connection types are discussed, and a comparison of the stress distributions at the transition is made. En savoir plus