La Bibliothèque d'Applications présente des modèles construits avec COMSOL Multiphysics pour la simulation d'une grande variété d'applications, dans les domaines de l'électromagnétisme, de la mécanique des solides, de la mécanique des fluides et de la chimie. Vous pouvez télécharger ces modèles résolus avec leur documentation détaillée, comprenant les instructions de construction pas-à-pas, et vous en servir comme point de départ de votre travail de simulation. Utilisez l'outil de recherche rapide pour trouver les modèles et applications correspondant à votre domaine d'intérêt. Notez que de nombreux exemples présentés ici sont également accessibles via la Bibliothèques d'Applications intégrée au logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics® et disponible à partir du menu Fichier.
This introduction model creates a simple model of the electrostatics problem with two concentric cylinders of infinite length, which is commonly found in textbooks. Since there is an analytical solution to this problem, the model can be used to compare theory with numerical results from ... En savoir plus
A distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) is a periodic structure formed from alternating dielectric layers that can be used to achieve nearly total reflection within a range of frequencies. The main advantage of DBRs over ordinary metallic mirrors is that DBRs can be engineered to have custom ... En savoir plus
This app demonstrates the following: Designing an app for small screens such as smartphones User-interface navigation with a top menu typically used on websites Geometry parts and parameterized geometries Visualizing periodicity of a geometry with material rendering Warning messages on ... En savoir plus
In this second half of a two-part example, a 3D model of a trench-gate IGBT is built by extruding the 2D model from the first half. Unlike the 2D model, now it is possible to arrange the alternating n+ and p+ emitters along the direction of extrusion as in the real device. This more ... En savoir plus
This tutorial simulates the turn-off transient (reverse recovery) of a simple PIN diode with an inductive load, loosely based on the book "Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices" by B. J. Baliga (p. 256, 2008 edition). Unlike the book, which assumes an initial constant current ramp ... En savoir plus
This is a model of a simple Sagnac interferometer consisting of two mirrors and a beam splitter arranged in a triangle. The entire modeling domain rotates; as a result, the rays propagating in opposite directions in the triangle have different optical path lengths due to the Sagnac ... En savoir plus
Passive devices can be designed using lumped element features if both the operating frequency of the device and the insertion loss of lumped elements are low. This example simulates two types of lumped element filters that are similar to lumped ports, except that they are strictly ... En savoir plus
This tutorial model shows how to set up a model of a pulsed capacitive discharge. The on pulse consists of 10 periods of excitation at 13.56MHz, followed by no excitation for 100 periods. The I-V characteristics, the electron density, temperature and plasma potential are studied. En savoir plus
The shape of a log-periodic antenna resembles that of a Yagi-Uda antenna, but is composed of a coplanar array to achieve a wider bandwidth. It is also known as a wideband or frequency-independent antenna. All metallic parts are modeled using the perfect electric conductor (PEC) boundary ... En savoir plus
This model presents a 2D simulation of transient arc discharge movement along guided copper rails. While accurately modeling transient arcs typically requires a 3D simulation, the 2D approach offers greater efficiency and remains valuable for initial investigations and demonstration ... En savoir plus