La Bibliothèque d'Applications présente des modèles construits avec COMSOL Multiphysics pour la simulation d'une grande variété d'applications, dans les domaines de l'électromagnétisme, de la mécanique des solides, de la mécanique des fluides et de la chimie. Vous pouvez télécharger ces modèles résolus avec leur documentation détaillée, comprenant les instructions de construction pas-à-pas, et vous en servir comme point de départ de votre travail de simulation. Utilisez l'outil de recherche rapide pour trouver les modèles et applications correspondant à votre domaine d'intérêt. Notez que de nombreux exemples présentés ici sont également accessibles via la Bibliothèques d'Applications intégrée au logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics® et disponible à partir du menu Fichier.
Piezoelectric devices are widely used as sources to generate sound waves or receivers to detect acoustic signals. In applications such as ultrasound imaging and nondestructive testing, the same transducer can be used as a transmitter to send a source signal and receiver to detect ... En savoir plus
Flow over a cavity and the tonal noise generated is a typical flow noise source in piping systems that have valves and other cavities. This tutorial model represents a simple case of cavity flow noise in a ducted system. The model is set up based on an example from Lafon et al. The ... En savoir plus
This is the model of an occluded ear canal simulator (a generic 711 coupler). Besides certain details the geometry corresponds to the Brüel & Kjær Ear Simulator Type 4157. The real life couplers are used for simulating the acoustics of a standardized human ear canal and can be used ... En savoir plus
This tutorial simulates a standard test and benchmark model for perfectly matched layers (PMLs) as absorbing boundary conditions in the time domain. It involves the propagation of a transient Gaussian pulse with no flow. The Pressure Acoustics, Transient interface is used together with ... En savoir plus
Recent advances in the fabrication of microfluidic systems require handling of live cells and other micro particles as well as mixing. All this can, for example, be achieved using acoustic radiation forces and the viscous drag from the streaming flow. Streaming: Due to the nonlinear ... En savoir plus
Designing structures and open spaces with respect to sound quality is important for concert halls, outdoor environments, and even the rooms of a house. Simulating acoustics in the high-frequency limit, where the wavelength is smaller than the geometrical features, can be done with ray ... En savoir plus
A gearbox is used to transfer power from an engine to its associated wheels or cogs, which can result in radiating noise to the surroundings. This is due to the transmission of undesired lateral and axial forces on the bearings and housing, while transmitting power from one shaft to the ... En savoir plus
This tutorial showcases the principles of the immersion ultrasonic testing technique. A search unit placed in a water tank sends an ultrasonic pulse signal that scatters off a solid object. Part of the signal is reflected back to the search unit by the object and possible flaws in it. By ... En savoir plus
Phononic and sonic crystals have generated rising scientific interest for very diverse technological applications. These crystals are made of periodic distributions of scatterers embedded in a matrix. Under certain conditions, acoustic band gaps can form. These are spectral bands where ... En savoir plus
This is a model of a moving-coil loudspeaker where a lumped parameter analogy represents the behavior of the electrical and mechanical speaker components. The Thiele-Small parameters (small-signal parameters) serve as input to the lumped model, which is represented by an Electric Circuit ... En savoir plus