
Products, processes, and equipment used in the food and beverage industry can be challenging or resource intensive to test physically. This is why industry leaders turn to multiphysics modeling and simulation to develop, test, and verify designs. Simulation is also useful for proposing new and optimizing existing designs and accelerating the prototyping process.

Browse content related to appliances, refrigeration technology, production processes, and food safety to see how the COMSOL Multiphysics® software is used in the food and beverage industry.

Présentation Utilisateur
App for Analyzing Bacteria Lethality During Sterilization Processes
Continuous Mixer
Présentation Utilisateur
Transport Phenomena Developing Inside a Pasta Drying Chamber
The Sweet Side of Simulation Behind the Scenes at Nestlé
Optimizing Heat Exchanger Designs for Refrigeration and Cooling Technology
Forecasting Fruit Freshness with Simulation Apps
COMSOL News Special Edition: Food Industry
Coriolis Flowmeter
Keynote: Simulating the Drying Process of Soft Cellular Foods
Thermal Decomposition of Beta-Carotene in a Flow Reactor
Keynote: Whirlpool Uses Simulation to Improve the Efficiency of Kitchen Appliances
Présentation Utilisateur
Simulating the Coupled Mass and Heat Transport in Paperboard During an Induction Sealing Process
Article de Blog
Modeling Fermentation in Beer Brewing Yields a Better Product
Article de Blog
Studying the Migration of Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons in Food Packaging
Evaporation of Ethanol and Water from a Wine Glass
Article de Blog
The Use of COMSOL Multiphysics® in the Food Industry
Article de Blog
Analyzing Solar Food Dryer Designs with Heat Transfer Modeling
Présentation Utilisateur
Influence of Dielectric Constant on Low-Moisture Food Pasteurization in a 915-MHz Microwave Cavity
Présentation Utilisateur
UNOX SpA Balances Accuracy and Computational Efficiency in Oven Chamber Models
Drying of a Potato Sample
Article de Blog
Why Does a Microwave Heat Food Unevenly?
Partially Baffled Turbulent Mixer with a Three-Bladed Impeller
Article de Blog
Pasta alla Simulazione: Modeling an Extruder in COMSOL®
Pasta Extrusion
Vacuum Drying Process
Présentation Utilisateur
CFD-Based Approach for Predicting Headspace Pressure in Cans During Thermal Sterilization of Foods
Endress+Hauser Optimize Fluid Sensors for Industrial Process Measurement
Article de Blog
Simulating the Freeze-Drying Process
Inline Induction Heater Simulation App
ITW Uses Multiphysics Simulation to Cook Up Smart Microwave Oven Design
Bubble-Induced Entrainment Between Stratified Liquid Layers
Cornell Researchers Modeled the Rice-Puffing Process
Master Chef Won International Competition with the Help of Simulation
Microwave Oven
Présentation Utilisateur
Drying of Corn Kernels: From Experimental Images to Multiscale Multiphysics Modeling
Fermentation in Beer Brewing
Modular Mixer
Présentation Utilisateur
Modeling Heat and Mass Transfer in Food Products
Two-Phase Flow Modeling of a Dense Suspension
Convection Cooking of Chicken Patties
Emulsion Droplet Breakup
Article de Blog
Veryst Combines Material Testing and Simulation for Reliable Results
Freeze-Drying Process
Peristaltic Pump Tubing
Article de Blog
Paper Mechanics and the Benefits of Modeling Paperboard Formation
Article de Blog
Using Apps to Optimize Induction Heating for Food Processing

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Éclairage sur le produit

It all starts with COMSOL Multiphysics®, the platform product for creating physics-based models and simulation apps. From there, you can add as many specialized modules and interfacing products as needed — they all connect seamlessly via the platform for a consistent modeling workflow regardless of what you are modeling.

Here are some suggested products to add to COMSOL Multiphysics® for modeling designs and processes in the food and beverage industry:

Voir tous les produits 

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