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How to measure the distance between two objects in COMSOL

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Hi All,

Can anyone tell me how to measure the distance between two objects in COMSOL, such as the distance between to surfaces, distance between one surface to another body?


1 Reply Last Post 20 août 2013, 04:44 UTC−4

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Posted: 1 decade ago 20 août 2013, 04:44 UTC−4

you can measure a distance if you have an edge. In that case, you can use Geometry > Measurement, then select Edge (if you select a domain, you measure the volume, or the area from a boundary etc.).
Btw, did you import your geometry? otherwise, you have all the coordinates (and so distances) in your geometry sequence!

Hi, you can measure a distance if you have an edge. In that case, you can use Geometry > Measurement, then select Edge (if you select a domain, you measure the volume, or the area from a boundary etc.). Btw, did you import your geometry? otherwise, you have all the coordinates (and so distances) in your geometry sequence! Cheers

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