Cannot evaluate variable

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Hello everyone,

My question is about mach zehnder interferometer tutorial. You can find tutorial document in attachements.

After successfully creating structure, I finally reached point where I add electrostatic simulation for modulation. The error I got at this point is simulator cannot evaluate modulation voltage defined as V0.

The error I got is somewhat similar to the error given in the discussion below: The below post is related to an archived discussion

My error is

Undefined variable. - Variable: comp1.ewbe.epsilonrzz - Geometry: geom1 - Domain: 0 Failed to evaluate Jacobian of expression. - Expression: comp1.ewbe.epsilonrzz Failed to evaluate Jacobian of operator. - Operator: mean - Geometry: geom1 - Boundary: 3 Failed to evaluate Jacobian of variable. - Variable: comp1.ewbe.epsilonrzz - Geometry: geom1 - Boundary: 3 Failed to evaluate Jacobian of expression. - Expression: dvol_spatial((-mu0_const)((comp1.ewbe.iomegacomp1.ewbe.Jz_1)+(((-comp1.ewbe.dHdtx_1)(comp1.ewbe.alphaport_1comp1.ewbe.ny))-(comp1.ewbe.dHdty_1(-(comp1.ewbe.alphaport_1comp1.ewbe.nx)))))) Failed to evaluate Jacobian of expression. - Expression: (-mu0_const(-comp1.ewbe.dHdtx_1(test(comp1.ewbe.tEbm1zTy)+comp1.ewbe.alphaport_1test(comp1.ewbe.tEbm1z)comp1.ewbe.ny)-comp1.ewbe.dHdty_1(-test(comp1.ewbe.tEbm1zTx)-comp1.ewbe.alphaport_1test(comp1.ewbe.tEbm1z)comp1.ewbe.nx)+comp1.ewbe.iomegacomp1.ewbe.Jz_1test(comp1.ewbe.tEbm1z)))*(dvol_spatial)

Could you please help?

[start here]


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