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Selective mesh

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Ho guys... I have a complex 3D geometry, composed by 2 different domains. 1 domain is pretty smooth and easy
to mesh; the second presents thin areas, meshables only with finer option. Can I mesh the model with two different size option, one for each domain?

2 Replies Last Post 15 juil. 2012, 09:31 UTC−4
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 14 juil. 2012, 14:55 UTC−4

you can add as many size and dimension you want to a mesh node, and then define different mesh sizes for different entities. Still "my way" when I have complex geoemtry is to divide it into several sub-domains, by splitting the geometry, you add a few internal boundaries, but yu gain in selectivity for your meshing strategy

Good luck
Hi you can add as many size and dimension you want to a mesh node, and then define different mesh sizes for different entities. Still "my way" when I have complex geoemtry is to divide it into several sub-domains, by splitting the geometry, you add a few internal boundaries, but yu gain in selectivity for your meshing strategy -- Good luck Ivar

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Posted: 1 decade ago 15 juil. 2012, 09:31 UTC−4
Thanks! I got it!
Thanks! I got it!

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