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How to change time unit in second to hour, day, year... in result graphic.

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Hi everyone,

I searched many times in this forum for this thing, but I can't find out the answer...

My problem is that I want to change time unit in second (by default in Comsol) to hour, day in the result graphic, because my model result graphic display the testing assuming time about a week, a month... in the nature but now it still displays in second for a week (=60*60*24*7 (seconds)) or a month...

Hope anyone can help me, pls.

Thank you for your attention.

3 Replies Last Post 17 sept. 2011, 11:51 UTC−4
Lechoslaw Krolikowski

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Posted: 1 decade ago 16 sept. 2011, 08:03 UTC−4

I hope that the attached picture answers your question.

Hi, I hope that the attached picture answers your question.

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Posted: 1 decade ago 16 sept. 2011, 08:47 UTC−4
I suggest a simple solution.
Use the expression for time t/(24*60*60) for a day... and so on.
Change the axis label to day.
I suggest a simple solution. Use the expression for time t/(24*60*60) for a day... and so on. Change the axis label to day.

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Posted: 1 decade ago 17 sept. 2011, 11:51 UTC−4
Thank you for your answers. I did with your way and got it well.
Thank you for your answers. I did with your way and got it well.

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