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Basic question about domains/subdomains

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Hi, i'm having a hard time understanding the domain concept in Comsol. I use matlab to create a block3 geometry object and set up a mesh via meshinit:

fem.geom = block3(1,1,1,'base','corner','pos',[0 0 0]);
fem.mesh = meshinit(fem, 'hauto',9);

then i obtain the elements of that mesh:
meshelements = get(fem.mesh,'el');

then take a look at the elements and the domains:

What i see is that the vertices belong to domain numbers from 1 to 8, the edges from 1 to 12, the triangles from 1 to 6 and the tetraeders are only located in domain 1.

I guess triangles are always located on one of the 6 surfaces of the block3 but the rest of the numbering is confusing me, so how does this domain numbering work?

What would happen if i add another block3 object? Is it possible to distinguish eg between triangles located in block3 A or block3 B using the domain(subdomain?) number?

Thank you in advance

0 Replies Last Post 21 févr. 2011, 05:15 UTC−5
COMSOL Moderator

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