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Numerical modeling of active thermo-plasmonics experiments
Giuseppe Emanuele Lio, CNR-Nanotec and Unical, Univeristy of Calabria, Rende, Cosenza
Email: giuseppe.lio@unical.it
In this tool, we present a simple and robust numerical method able to predict, with high accuracy, the photo-thermal effects occurring for a gold nanoparticles arrangement under externally applied strain [1,2,3]. The physical system is numerically implemented in the COMSOL Multiphysics simulation platform. The gold nanoparticles distributions are excited by linearly polarized light. By considering the system at rest and under the action of a mechanical stress, we analyze the extinction cross section, and we observe the production of heat at the nanoscale. The purpose of this work is to describe how sensitive the local temperature of the gold nanoparticles arrangement is to the formation of localized photo-thermal hot spots.
[1] G. E. Lio, G. Palermo, R. Caputo, and A. De Luca, “Opto- mechanical control of flexible plasmonic materials,” Journal of Applied Physics 125, 082533 (2019).
[2] G. E. Lio, G. Palermo, A. De Luca, and R. Caputo, “Tensile control of the thermal flow in plasmonic heaters realized on flex- ible substrates,” The Journal of Chemical Physics 151, 244707 (2019).
[3] G. E. Lio, A. De Luca,C.P. Umeton, and R. Caputo, "Opto-mechanically induced thermoplasmonic response of unclonable flexible tags with hotspot fingerprint", Journal of Applied Physics 128, 093107, (2020).
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User Comments
Vasanth Apr 29, 2022 at 7:58am UTC |
Thank you. It is helpful as this is a perfect example in clear model demonstration for thermoplasmonics. |
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