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Navier-Stokes Simulation using Coefficient Form PDE
Posted 27 juin 2013, 11:40 UTC−4 Fluid & Heat, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Chemical Reaction Engineering, Modeling Tools & Definitions, Parameters, Variables, & Functions Version 5.0, Version 5.2 15 Replies
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I have the 3 momentum equations and the continuity equation.
I attach the coefficients in the way I set them, and below I show you the BC:
v, w=0
p=not specified
u, v, w=not specified
u, v, w=0
p=not specified
Why can I reach convergence? Can someone please help me? I'd appreciate a lot!
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Would you mind send a copy of the model to me since I have been working on high reynold number problem but can not get any convergent solution so far.
Thanks a lot,
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may I ask you informaton on how to apply Navier Stokes with coefficient form? i´m stuck in a MHD problem, without the possibility to use , due to license, the CFD module.
Thanks in advance!
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I've implemented NS equations under General PDE module. Is it what you want ?
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really thanks if it´s possible, cause i cannot understand how to start with, it will be a very big help!
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Just send me the form of your equation.
Do you want your equation to be implemented on Comsol under PDE weak form or general form ?
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i attached the photo related to theory i´ve been follwing (it´s the TEMPUS european programme, 2012): concerning the weak form, i don´t know actually what could fit to my project: if i had the possibility ( but i i´m working with a workstation that has a few problems with the comsol forum itself, but strangely not the support one) i will send you the file. it´s easy to see it, it´snot so compicate: just i need to understand how to work with pde. i think weak form won´t be used for a simple case like this
Thanks for everything
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still thanks
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Hope it will halp you.
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I'll be thankful if you can help me out on a similar problem.
I am trying to model a non-isothermal fluid flow problem, in which mass is not conserved within the domain. There is a vapor flux that exits the domain as soon as it is formed.
The problem with the fluid flow module is that I am not able to override the mass conservation equation. I have an expression for the mass flow rate of vapor, but I do not have a way to incorporate it into the model. I have read that using weak expressions helps, but I do not know how to implement that either.
Hence I decided to use the coefficient form PDE, where I can define the equations as per will. I need to know how to implement the compressible Navier Stokes equation in the coefficient form, with all the diadic terms. Kindly help me out on this.
I also look forward to any suggestions/guidance on using the weak form for Navier Stokes' mass conservation equation.
Thanks and regards
Syed Nadeem Akhtar
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I am very interesting to write my own equations. Please Mehrez can you send me your NS model in PDE form? I would be a starting point for me to understand PDE implementation
Best regards
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I am very interesting to write my own equations. Please Mehrez can you send me your NS model in PDE form? I would be a starting point for me to understand PDE implementation
Best regards
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Please, i believe this will really be a good starting point for this my problem. Can you send me your NS model in PDE form? and how do i write temperature Eqn. together with the Navier stokes Eqn.
Am trying to solve 2D coupled navier stokes equation with temperature equation in comsol version 4.4 but don't really know how to input the temperature equation along side with the navier stokes equation as shown below
∇⋅v = 0
( ∂v/ ∂t) +(v ⋅∇v) = −∇P + k∇^2v + F
( ∂T/ ∂t) +(v ⋅∇T) = B∇^2T
and how do i remove this term (∇⋅v)^T in the momentum equation as it is in comsol
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I want to implement the simulation of a suspension through an Annulus using the coefficient form PDE, as the built in models do not have the required equations that I need.
So I want your help as to how to implement a simple Navier Stokes equation using coefficient form PDE where the velocity has three components and how to specify the inlet and outlet conditions.
Thank You
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Hi, Mehrez, recently I encountered a similar problem for apply the incompressible condition.. SO could you please send me a copy of the general form pde? It will help me a lot if you could give me a hand!
Thanks a lot!
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I am facing the same problem with the coefficients when I use the Coefficient form PDE to write the Navier Stokes Equations. Can you help me out??
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