Acoustics Modeling in COMSOL® Version 5.5
Durée: 56:04
Learn about the updated features and functionality for modeling acoustics as of COMSOL® software version 5.5. This archived webinar discusses the latest acoustics modeling capabilities in the Acoustics Module, such as acoustic-structure interaction (ASI) problems, analysis of microacoustic subsystems, and new multiphysics couplings.
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Chapter Selection
Introduction (0:00)
Agenda (0:18)
The COMSOL® Software Product Suite (2:37)
The Acoustics Module (2:47)
Elastic Waves, Time Explicit (4:19)
DG, Time Explicit: Application Areas (7:27)
Nondestructive Testing (9:15)
Multiphysics Couplings (12:17)
dG-FEM Time Explicit Method (16:00)
Union Vs. Assembly (18:08)
Time Explicit Interfaces of the Acoustics Module (18:38)
Time Explicit Interfaces: Other News (18:58)
Small Changes in the GUI (19:36)
Ports in Thermoviscous Acoustics (22:32)
New Solver for Large Pressure Acoustics Models (27:52)
The Directivity Plot: True Logarithmic Axis (31:04)
New Multiphysics Couplings (31:52)
Coupling and Mapping for Aeroacoustics (33:12)
Lorentz Coupling (33:49)
Acoustic-Pipe Acoustics Connection (36:57)
Acoustic-Structured Interaction for Layered Shells (37:22)
Anisotropic Material Model (38:50)
Detailed Material Properties from Thermodynamics (40:00)
Acoustophoretic Radiation Force (41:25)
New “Industry Scale” Tutorials (42:56)
Head and Torso HRTF Computation (43:10)
OW Microspeaker (43:28)
Headphone on Artificial Ear Tutorial (43:59)
Wax Guard Acoustics (44:36)
Sound Transmission Loss Through Concrete Walls (44:44)
DPF Acoustics (New) (45:12)
Piezoelectric MEMS Speaker (New) (45:51)
Q&A (46:21)