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How to Install the COMSOL License Manager

What Is the License Manager and Why Would You Need It?

The COMSOL License Manager, which runs on FlexNet®, is software that enables the use of COMSOL Multiphysics® on any computer within your network via Floating Network Licenses. As long as you have enough Floating Network Licenses, any number of users can access COMSOL Multiphysics® simultaneously on computers within the network on which the License Manager is running. If you are running COMSOL Multiphysics® on a Linux® operating system, the License Manager is always required, regardless of license type. The License Manager is also required in some other cases; refer to the Installation Guide for more information. If you open your .dat license file in a text editor and the first line of the license details does not start with "SERVER", you do not need the License Manager for your license.

Installing the COMSOL License Manager

The License Manager is typically set up by a network administrator and can run on a system with or without COMSOL Multiphysics®. After you purchase a license that requires the License Manager, COMSOL will email you to ask you to provide the information needed to generate a license file in .dat format, i.e., the Hostname and HostID of the machine on which the License Manager is to be installed. The License Manager can only be run on the machine that has the matching Hostname and HostID.

Note: The process of installing on Windows® and macOS is similar. This article uses Windows® to show the process; however, notable differences are explained. The instructions in this guide are not version-specific and are applicable to installations of recent versions of COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Quick Setup Instructions

To download the installer, you will first need to log into or create your COMSOL Access account and add your licenses to it.

Step 1: Adding Your License(s) to Your COMSOL Access Account

The License Manager uses the same installer software as COMSOL Multiphysics®. Once you open the installer, you can then choose what you want to install. See How to Install COMSOL Multiphysics® for more information.

Note: To access only the files needed for the license manager, please contact COMSOL Support.

  1. Go to comsol.com/access. Log into your existing account or create a new one.
A UI screenshot of the COMSOL Access login page on comsol.com shows the options to log in or create a new account. A UI screenshot of the COMSOL Access login page on comsol.com shows the options to log in or create a new account.

The COMSOL Access login page on the COMSOL website, where you can log into or create a COMSOL Access account.

  1. After you log in, click Manage Licenses to go to the Manage Licenses page.
A UI screenshot showing the Manage Licenses link on the main page of a COMSOL Access account. A UI screenshot showing the Manage Licenses link on the main page of a COMSOL Access account.

The COMSOL Access main page, where you will land once you have logged in.

  1. Click Add License to upload your license file and enable the COMSOL installer to be downloaded.
In a UI screenshot of the Manage Licenses page, the Add License button is highlighted in red and pointed out with an arrow. In a UI screenshot of the Manage Licenses page, the Add License button is highlighted in red and pointed out with an arrow.

Add or manage your licenses on the Manage Licenses page.

Step 2. Download the Installer

Once you have added your license or licenses to COMSOL Access, navigate to comsol.com/product-download. Click the download button for your operating system: Windows®, Linux®, macOS Intel, or macOS M1.

In a UI screenshot of comsol.com/product-download, the download buttons for Windows, Linux, macOS Intel, and macOS M1 are outlined in red. In a UI screenshot of comsol.com/product-download, the download buttons for Windows, Linux, macOS Intel, and macOS M1 are outlined in red.

The download page showing the download buttons for Windows®, Linux®, macOS Intel, and macOS M1.

Step 3. Tutorial Video: Run the Installer

Once you have downloaded the installer, you can follow along with this video to install.

Note: The License Manager tab only appears on the machine for which the license file was created; thus, the License Manager can only be installed on that machine.

Step 4. Verify the Status of the License Manager


COMSOL Multiphysics® requires constant communication with the License Manager when using Floating Network Licenses. The machine that the License Manager is installed on should remain powered on with the License Manager running to avoid issues.

You can verify the run status of the License Manager in Windows® by opening the Task Manager (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and clicking More details. Under the Services tab, find the COMSOL License Manager. Then, verify that the License Manager service is running in the Status column.

Another way to check whether the License Manager is running is to open the LMTOOLS application in your installation folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\COMSOL\COMSOL60\Multiphysics\license\win64), where you will find the status as well as other License Manager settings.

If the License Manager is not running, we recommend you refer to the complete COMSOL Multiphysics® Installation Guide or contact COMSOL Support.


To verify the status of the License Manager on macOS, start the Activity Monitor and check for the vendor daemon ("LMCOMSOL") and the License Manager ("lmgrd") in the list of processes. The License Manager can be started manually or automatically at startup.

To start the License Manager manually:

  1. Launch the Terminal application.
  2. Change directory to the license/maci64 directory:
    cd /Applications/COMSOL61/Multiphysics/license/maci64
  3. Then enter
    ./lmgrd -c ../license.dat -l /var/tmp/comsol61.log

The server is now ready to distribute licenses over the network. It writes any debug information to the log file /var/tmp/comsol61.log.

To start the license Manager automatically at startup:

  1. Copy the template file com.comsol.lmcomsol.plist to /Library/LaunchDaemons. An example:
    sudo cp /Applications/COMSOL61/Multiphysics/license/maci64/ com.comsol.lmcomsol.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/

    Typically, the template file must be edited: the lmgrd and license.dat paths should be updated, and a user different from root specified for running the service.
  2. Open the file /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.comsol.lmcomsol.plist in a text editor, for example, TextEdit, and make the necessary edits.
  3. Set the correct permissions for the file:
    sudo chmod 600 /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.comsol.lmcomsol.plist
  4. Enable and start the daemon. An example:
    sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.comsol.lmcomsol.plist

The following commands provide an example of an uninstallation of the daemon:
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.comsol.lmcomsol.plist
sudo launchctl remove /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.comsol.lmcomsol.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.comsol.lmcomsol.plist
rm /var/tmp/comsol61.log

A screenshot of the Windows® Task Manager with an arrow pointing to the More details button, which is outlined in red. A screenshot of the Windows® Task Manager with an arrow pointing to the More details button, which is outlined in red.
A screenshot of the detailed Task Manager window with the Services tab opened to show the run status of the COMSOL License Manager. A screenshot of the detailed Task Manager window with the Services tab opened to show the run status of the COMSOL License Manager.

In the Task Manager, clicking More details (left) opens the details window (right) where you can find the status of the COMSOL License Manager under the Services tab.

Next Steps After Installing the License Manager

Preparing to Install COMSOL Multiphysics®

Next, you will prepare to install COMSOL Multiphysics® on the individual computers, including servers, in the network where you want users to have access to the software. COMSOL Multiphysics® is installed with the same installer used for the License Manager. You will need to determine which devices you want to install COMSOL Multiphysics® on and the method you will use to connect to the License Manager. Continue to the next section for our recommendation when using Floating Network Licenses or refer to How to Install COMSOL Multiphysics® for an alternative method. Users will be able to access COMSOL Multiphysics® on any of the machines where the software has been installed, provided there are enough available Floating Network License seats.

Installing COMSOL Multiphysics® with the Hostname and Port Number

When you are using Floating Network Licenses and begin to install COMSOL Multiphysics®, it is recommended that you enter your license information in the form of your Hostname and Port Number. If your administrator did not provide you with your Hostname and Port Number, you can find these details by opening your .dat license file in a text editor.

(If the first line of the license details does not start with "SERVER", do not use the Hostname and Port Number to install COMSOL Multiphysics®; instead, refer to How to Install COMSOL Multiphysics® for general instructions for installing COMSOL Multiphysics®.)

A screenshot of an example license file opened in a text editor, with the Hostname and Port Number outlined and labeled in red. A screenshot of an example license file opened in a text editor, with the Hostname and Port Number outlined and labeled in red.

An example license file opened in a text editor highlighting the Hostname and Port Number. The COMSOL License Manager requires your Hostname and Port Number to communicate that you have a valid license and allow COMSOL Multiphysics® to run on computers in your network.

Additional Resources

The COMSOL Multiphysics® Installation Guide has more in-depth information on installation.

If you need to update your License Manager, refer to Updating the COMSOL License Manager.

If you require any further assistance, please contact your local administrator or COMSOL representative.

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