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I get an error message when trying to open my glTF-file in an external viewer

Solution numéro: 1256 Versions: 5.4

After exporting a glTF-file from my COMSOL Multiphysics model, I get an error message when I try to open it in an external viewer. The most probable cause for this issue is that the external glTF-file you are using ...

Reducing the amount of solution data stored in a model

Solution numéro: 1255 Versions: Toutes les versions

My models contain a lot of solution data, and I do not want my file sizes to get too large, it takes a lot of disk space. What can I do to reduce file size? Will this reduce the time it takes to solve the model? File ...

Controlling the Time Dependent Solver Timesteps

Solution numéro: 1254 Versions: Toutes les versions

I am solving a transient model and changed the stepsize in the Times: field in the Study Settings, but the solver is still taking exactly the same timesteps. It seems the timesteps that the solver is taking are not ...

Solving Wave-Type Problems with Step Changes in the Loads

Solution numéro: 1244 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics Versions: Toutes les versions

I am solving a transient model and am expecting the solution to oscillate over time in response to step changes in the loads. How should I set up such a model? What solver changes should I make? Certain models will ...

License Error -5,414 in COMSOL Multiphysics

Solution numéro: 1252 Versions: Toutes les versions

I receive the following or similar error message: License error: -5 No such feature exists Feature: SERIAL License Path: C:\...\license.dat FlexNet licensing error:-5,414 This error is either triggered from the ...

Running parametric sweeps, batch sweeps, and cluster sweeps from the command line

Solution numéro: 1250 Versions: Toutes les versions

This solution describes how to launch a parametric sweep, a batch sweep, or a cluster sweep simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics® from the command line. ## Short Summary Model methods are presented as a concept to ...

"Data access entity removed" occurs in my application

Solution numéro: 1247 Versions: Toutes les versions

When running my application, I get the error "Data access entity removed". If a node is removed, Data Access to the node becomes invalidated. In general this error occurs if nodes used in Data Access are explicitly ...

Solving Models with Step Changes to Loads in Time

Solution numéro: 1245 Versions: Toutes les versions

How should I model loads that change magnitude at a particular time? I am solving a transient model which has loads that change instantaneously in time, but the solver appears to be missing some of these changes in ...

Out of Memory

Solution numéro: 1243 Versions: Toutes les versions

The error "Out of Memory" occurs. Of the available memory (RAM and virtual memory), one section, the Java heap, is reserved for Java. The rest of the memory will be available for meshing and solving. If you receive the ...

Unexpected Error Thrown by the Method Editor

Solution numéro: 1242 Se réfère à: COMSOL Multiphysics, COMSOL Server Versions: Toutes les versions

I run COMSOL Multiphysics on Windows 7. When trying to access the Method Editor in the Application Builder, I get an unexpected error. When opening the log file, the top of the stack trace looks like this: 2018-01 ...