Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2024
Ultra-cold atomic systems have proven over the last decade to be a excellent platform for the realization of quantum sensors, quantum computation or quantum simulation applications. A special implementation of this technology is the so called atom chip, where the magnetic fields ... En savoir plus
The topic of my work is modeling of a multimodal waveguide microprobe which is suitable for deep brain infrared stimulation. The goal of the research is the investigation of the therapeutic effect of optical IR excitation on biological active substances. In the physical model I ... En savoir plus
In general this thesis is about the effects of mechanical stress on data cables in moved applications. If a data cable is loaded with different kind of forces and used within high frequency applications it is possible, that the geometrical changes may have an impact on the electrical ... En savoir plus
To increase the power transfer capacity of existing lines, a transmission system operator in Germany plans to replace an existing 380-kV three-phase AC system into a bipolar HVDC system on the same tower that is called a 'hybrid line'. Due to the proximity of AC transmission systems and ... En savoir plus
Today’s driver hardware for High-intensity discharge (HID) lamps is bulky, expensive and not particularly energy-efficient. A downscaling of the devices seems possible by increasing the operation frequency from typically 400 Hz to some hundred kilohertz. However, efforts to design high ... En savoir plus
The results of modeling of thermal fields, stresses, deformations and displacements in formation of an additive structure from structural low alloy steel for welding 09G2S on a substrate are presented. An interdisciplinary research computational package COMSOL Multiphysics® was used for ... En savoir plus
In industrial countries, people spend most of their time indoors. Stringent heat-insulation measures in combination with deficient ventilation have a negative impact on indoor air quality [1]. Integration or retrofitting of a photocatalytic oxidation or PCO reactor into continuous flow ... En savoir plus
Sterilization is the process of deactivating microorganisms from a surface or a product. A high temperature gaseous mixture of hydrogen peroxide and steam became the accepted standard in most aseptic filling machines found in pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries [1, 2]. To ... En savoir plus
Amplitude of acoustic waves can be magnified by conical or concave waveguides, like in ear trumpets or fjords (surface waves). The simplest way realizing a capable device is a conical waveguide with a target to be treated in the top of the cone, and a spherical actor or acoustic exciter ... En savoir plus
To reveal key features of the thermal pattern at different structural levels of the Norwegian continental shelf and the adjacent mainland, the lithosphere-scale 3D structural models have been used to represent a structure of the sedimentary cover, underlying crystalline crust, and ... En savoir plus