Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2024
Seals or gaskets that are compressed between walls of a container are important to many industrial applications. In this paper we present a fluid flow model for predicting the sealing performance of such seals. A computational study using COMSOL Multiphysics® software suggests very ... En savoir plus
Thermography measurements on metallic thin films are challenging due to reflections from the environment. We present a thin "gold black" absorption layer to deal with this issue. A multiphysics model is introduced to correct the experimentally obtained data for undesirable heat transfer ... En savoir plus
Engineering design studies of the feasibility of conversion of the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) from high-enriched uranium to low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel are ongoing at Oak Ridge National Laboratory as part of an effort sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Global Threat ... En savoir plus
Biosensors based on silicon nanowires are of great interest for ultrasensitive biomolecular recognition of disease specific markers for early stage diagnosis [1]. However, there are limitations on the performance of these nanosensors in solutions at high ionic strength. This is because ... En savoir plus
COMSOL® software was used to simulate the conductive heat transfer with phase change in the geological formations encompassed in permafrost surrounding a shallow thaw lake. The purpose of the simulation was to verify the adequacy of COMSOL to model such phenomena by comparing the COMSOL ... En savoir plus
A simple steady-state photo-fermentative biochemical model was developed using the COMSOL Multiphysics'® Transport of Diluted Species physics interface. A dimensionless model seeks optimal physical parameters based on given biochemical parameters found in literature. A parametric sweep ... En savoir plus
This paper presents a study on the heat generation of Valve-Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries used in off-grid streetlighting applications from PoleCo, a Halifax based company. One goal of the project was to produce validated COMSOL® models of the enclosure that holds these VRLA ... En savoir plus
Steam generators (SGs) are used in CANDU® nuclear reactors as heat exchangers to convert water into steam using heat generated in the reactor core. Ferrous trefoil broach support structures prevent excessive vibration of thousands of SG tubes. A probe that uses pulsed eddy current (PEC) ... En savoir plus
A planar anode-supported intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell operating on syngas fuel at 750°C was analyzed in this study. The effects of varying syngas fuel inlet compositions on species and temperature distributions, water gas shift reaction rate, potential for carbon ... En savoir plus
A key issue for the development of a LENR power unit involves the measurement and energy output of the reaction. Our team is currently studying a gas loaded nanoparticle-type cluster power unit [1] which pressurizes various nanoparticle alloys with either deuterium or hydrogen. The ... En savoir plus