Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2024
Predicting the physical properties and performance of carbon and graphite materials based on the microstructure of the finished material is a challenging endeavor. This paper discusses the process and workflow for measuring and analyzing the pore structure of graphite by combining ... En savoir plus
We formulate a new mathematical model of gas-solids mixing hydrodynamic flow [1] in a combustion chamber with a fluid bed system used in the combustion of mineral coal waste. This model in study is called Model Gas-Solids Mixing and it is constructed by averaging the conservation ... En savoir plus
Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) is the highest flux reactor-based source of neutrons for research in the United States. Thermal and cold neutrons produced by HFIR are used to study physics, chemistry, material science, engineering, and biology. Currently, ... En savoir plus
The conductivity of seawater directly correlates with the concentration of dissolved salts. This model demonstrates a new approach to the methodology of inductive conductivity measurement of seawater and other liquids. COMSOL Multiphysics® was used to build a parametrically swept model ... En savoir plus
We will present the issues of a microreactor setup designed for microwave organic synthesis and demonstrate how COMSOL Multiphysics® is used to understand the mechanism of microwave heating and improve the microreactor design. The RF Module was used for the electromagnetics and solid ... En savoir plus
High temperature superconductors (HTS) such as YBCO coated conductors show great promise for future applications where high magnetic fields are needed. The superconducting state only exists under a critical surface defined in the (J,T,B) space. Quench is the process by which a current ... En savoir plus
This paper utilizes the COMSOL Multiphysics® general form PDE interface and MATLAB® to model stochastic calcium waves in a sarcomere (basic unit of a heart cell). The model we present here shows the evolution of waves generated from calcium being released stochastically from sites ... En savoir plus
Project X is a proposed proton accelerator complex at Fermilab. The CW LINAC is based on five types of resonators operating at three frequencies: half-wave, spoke, and elliptical. The low beam current for the CW operation of Project X requires cavities to operate at a high loaded Q and, ... En savoir plus
We describe simulations performed in COMSOL Multiphysics® of the precipitation of helium (He) on solid-state interfaces. The non-uniform precipitation of He at certain interfaces is a result of a heterogeneous energy distribution in the interface plane: He wets high interface energy ( ... En savoir plus
Normal conducting cavities are typically used in the front end of proton accelerators to get the beam accelerated to velocities approximately a few tenths of the speed of light, where superconducting cavities can then be used to accelerate the beam to the speed of light. The warm part of ... En savoir plus