Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2024
This presentation gives an account of how COMSOL Multiphysics® software has helped to accelerate research and development. It has been used to simulate energy systems such as fuel cells, biomedical systems such as hydrogels and human skin, and monolithic catalytic converters. Each of ... En savoir plus
A logic gate performs a certain Boolean logic operation on one or more logical inputs and produces a single logical output. The logic values are either “true” or “false.” Logic gates are bistable devices, that is, they may yield one of these two possible stable outputs. The NAND logic is ... En savoir plus
A numerical model was developed to make spatial and temporal predictions of the water quality for Brewster Lake, located in southwestern Michigan. The model considers the hydrodynamics of the lake, hydrologic conditions, physical, chemical and biochemical processes that take place in the ... En savoir plus
Multi-Scale and Multi-Dimensional (MSMD) modeling approaches have been proposed to simulate the thermal, electrical distributions and concentration behaviors of large size pouch cell. This approach is based on coupling of the energy balance with the Newman’s electrode model. Newman’s 1D ... En savoir plus
The use of a reaction sphere as an actuator used by satellite Attitude Control System was proposed over twenty years ago. In principle this concept assumes the use of a single reaction sphere which can be accelerated in any direction instead of a set of reaction wheels. The solution ... En savoir plus
One of the methods to recover oil from medium and low viscosity in complex reservoirs uses air injection leading to oil combustion. In this case the oxygen in the air burns the heavier components of the oil, generating a heat wave leading to vaporization of lighter components. The ... En savoir plus
The purpose of this work is to show whether an important difference in Lithium solid concentration and electrolyte concentration can be observed in a Lithium-ion battery model, when considering either the Butler-Volmer kinetics or the Tafel kinetics for describing the electrode kinetics ... En savoir plus
The Pulse Electrochemical Machining is especially suitable for the precise production of complex geometric contours with high precision and high surface quality demands in series manufacturing. During this process, the negative structure of an electrode is copied to the workpiece without ... En savoir plus
Nowadays all branches in modern science and industry tend to solve ever complicating problems. As the result the computational time increases considerably and it become very important to reduce the processing time and use available resources more efficiently. Parallelizing problem proves ... En savoir plus
Bread is a food product which various complex physico-chemical phenomena occur during the cooking process. Thus, phenomena of heat and mass transfer are coupled to the deformation. In addition, bread is a multiphase product (solid, liquid and vapor) and composed of various components ... En savoir plus