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In this poster the acoustic analysis of a small home recording studio is presented.. Figure 1 illustrates the recording studio room which was simulated using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software with the Acoustics Module [1]. The propagation of sound is modeled as pressure waves in which ... En savoir plus
The idea of application as a hearing device based on a parasitoid fly, Ormia ochracea has been studied extensively recently. This paper addresses another possible application as an underwater directional sensor. In order to study the feasibility of the application, it is necessary to ... En savoir plus
The determination of the modes of vibration of Functionally Graded-Metal-Ceramic Composite plates is important in practice in order to prevent undesired resonances in structural components. This paper describes the application of COMSOL Multiphysics® software for the determination of the ... En savoir plus
A installation caused severe hum, with 30 Hz as dominant frequency, causing serious annoyance. The acoustic study showed resonances around 30 Hz. Poor flow conditions existed at the inlet and outlet of the forced draft fan. Flow patterns were studied using CFD. Both the inlet and ... En savoir plus
In this contribution we present a COMSOL Multiphysics® example of a disk piezoelectric ceramic transformer (D-PT) coupled with a bipolar NPN transistor to form an auto-oscillator. The comparison between the simulations and the measurements made on our prototype are found to be in good ... En savoir plus
High-intensity discharge lamps will in the foreseeable future be important light sources despite a growing market share of LEDs. Cost and energy efficient high frequency (300 kHz) operation is hampered by the excitation of acoustic resonances inside the arc tube, which results in low ... En savoir plus
Absorber tubes are one of the most critical components of parabolic trough Concentrated Solar Plants, which is very likely get damaged such as crack and mass loss. Therefore, the monitoring of their structural health via Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques is regarded as essential ... En savoir plus
Axisymmetric acoustic waves propagating along buried water pipes have been investigated by FEM and experimentally. Universal dispersion relations of the fundamental mode were obtained as a function of the standard dimension ratio SDR and of the material surrounding the pipe (soil, air). ... En savoir plus
Vibration produced by offshore wind turbines during their normal operation transmits through the tower into the foundation where it interacts with the surrounding water and is released as noise. The noise produced by offshore wind turbines can be detected by fish and marine mammals and ... En savoir plus
Sound energy distribution patterns within enclosed spaces are the basic concerns of architectural acoustics. Energy decays are analyzed for major acoustical parameter estimations, while spatial energy distribution and flow vectors are indicative in the analysis of sound energy ... En savoir plus